
Articles that appeared in the Trendspotting section of the magazine
Reported by PLANADVISER Staff

See Through:’ Advisers still headed for more fee transparency

5.9% Projected Growth in DC Assets:’ Private-sector defined contribution (DC) will grow at an annual rate of 5.9% from 2008 to 2013, though that is a lower rate compared with previous projections based on worsening net flow forecasts.

Economic Experiences Influence Investment Behavior:’ A recent paper suggests the economic times people live through have a significant impact on how they invest.

Lopsided Equation:’ Cerulli report says fee-based compensation increases, but revenues are down

Sustainable Income:’ Need for help in retirement income planning grows

Affluent Americans Use SRI:’ Seventy-one percent of surveyed Americans (with more than $500,000 in investable assets) have socially responsible investments (SRIs) and green investments in their portfolios, according to a survey by PNC Wealth Management. The survey also found that 57% have up to 25% of their portfolios in such investments and 9% have between 25% to 50%. One quarter (25%) of surveyed Americans believe that green investments will gain in 2009. [Read more here.] —Ellie Behling

Money Movement:’ Employer accounts pumping up IRAs

DC Favored:’ Census data show strengthening DB to DC trends

Damage Waiver:’ Pension fund sues UBS