Talking Points
Tired of giving the same old presentations? Use these
nuggets of information to spruce them up.
Reported by PLANADVISER Staff
- Staying Power: Three-quarters (72%) of the 90,000 retirement plans administered by Fidelity Investments maintained or added employer contributions over the past five years, while only 12% terminated and did not reinstate their matching contributions, and 5% suspended their match but have reinstated it.
- Change your thoughts and you change your world. – The Rev. Norman Vincent Peale
- Turning it over: 42% of employees surveyed by State Street Global Advisors feel the decision of what investments are appropriate for retirement investing is either a shared responsibility with their employer or completely their employer’s responsibility.
- Good Guidance: Nearly two-thirds (71%) of Boomers who work with an adviser have calculated a retirement savings goal, compared with 34% who do not work with an adviser, according to the Insured Retirement Institute’s third annual Boomer Expectations for Retirement survey.
- Of the more than 1,000 individuals surveyed by ING U.S., more than half (52%) said they consider their retirement savings to be sacred and have never touched this money for other needs.