DOL Announces Fiduciary Responsibilities Seminar in Illinois

The seminar will be held in Springfield, Illinois, on June 21.
Reported by PLANADVISER Staff

The Department of Labor (DOL) Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) has announced its compliance assistance program, Getting It Right – Know Your Fiduciary Responsibilities seminar, will be held in Springfield, Illinois, on June 21.

The seminar will take a focus on fiduciary oversight, as well as protecting workers’ benefits, and is aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of fiduciary duties in managing a retirement plan—especially for small-and mid-sized employers with little time, resources and accessibility.

Key topics that will be discussed include:

  • Understanding your plan and your responsibilities;
  • Carefully selecting and monitoring service providers;
  • Making contributions on time;
  • Avoiding prohibited transactions; and
  • Making appropriate disclosures to plan participants and filing annual reports to the government on time.

The seminar will be held at the Wyndham Springfield City Centre Rendezvous Room from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CDT.

Registration and a link to the agenda can be found here.
Defined benefit, Defined contribution, Department of Labor (DOL), EBSA,
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