Curian Capital Unveils Select Portfolios
Curian’s Select Portfolios aim to provide financial professionals with managed accounts that are easier for investors to understand, user-friendly and intuitive for quicker account setup and administration.
The Curian Select Portfolios are also designed to be simpler to purchase and comprehend, including simpler fee and tax reporting structures, said Chris Rosato, senior vice president of strategic development for Curian.
“While the interface is simplified for ease of use, the portfolios are driven by a powerful asset management process, giving financial professionals and their clients access to institutional-quality guidance and expertise,” Rosato said.
Select Portfolios have six guidance strategies across a risk spectrum, from conservative objectives to the potential for maximum growth. Advisers can evaluate an investor’s needs and create an investment plan based on risk tolerance and investment objectives.
- Diversified Income is designed to help conservative investors generate a stream of income through diversified investments;
- Multi-Strategy Income is designed for moderately conservative investors seeking to generate a competitive stream of income through allocations to stocks, bonds and alternative investments;
- Equity Income is designed for investors seeking a moderate amount of risk, with an emphasis on U.S. and international dividend-paying equities;
- Multi-Strategy Growth is designed for investors seeking moderate growth, with an emphasis on equity investments, bonds and alternatives;
- Global Growth is designed for long-term growth investors seeking exposure to diversified equity investments with a modest bond and global allocation; and
- Global Maximum Growth is designed to offer the potential for maximum long-term growth, focusing on higher-growth markets and asset managers.
According to Rosato, many advisers have indicated that investment products have become too complex to understand and are limiting their success. “The Curian Select Portfolios are designed to address this challenge through a streamlined, intuitive and cost-effective alternative,” he said.
Curian analyzes performance and attribution relative to peers, sector exposure, holdings overlap and peer group measures such as tracking error, information ratios and up/down market capture to choose investments. The goal is to evaluate thousands of potential funds and choose the ones that best meet the criteria of performance, repeatability and fit.
Curian Capital is an asset management company that manufactures investment strategies and asset management solutions.