MassMutual Announces Topics for 2012 RetireSmart Education Series

MassMutual's Retirement Services Division announced a topic lineup for its RetireSmart interactive participant education series for 2012.
Reported by Tara Cantore

The program, focused on helping plan participants break through barriers and make smarter decisions about their finances, reached nearly 9,000 participants in 2011.

The 2012 series will kick off February 29 with returning guest speaker Farnoosh Torabi, an independent Generation Y money coach, best-selling author and personal finance journalist, and will continue throughout the year on a bi-monthly basis.

Each online seminar is free of charge and includes a 30-minute presentation followed by a 30-minute Q&A session with the speaker. Designed to be informative, convenient and action inspiring, the seminars give participants an opportunity to learn on their terms – either through live interaction or at their convenience through on-demand replays.

The 2012 RetireSmart seminar series is scheduled as follows:

•  February 29, 2012: Raising Financially Savvy Kids. To be presented by Farnoosh Torabi, independent Generation Y money coach, best-selling author and personal finance journalist.

•  April: Understanding Target Date & Risk-Based Investments. To be presented by MassMutual Retirement Services.

•  June: How Much Will Social Security Provide for Retirement? To be presented by a representative from the U.S. Social Security Administration.

•  August: Money & Marriage: Financial Strategies for Couples. To be presented by Farnoosh Torabi.

•  October: Estate Planning Basics. Presenter to be announced.

•  December: Budgeting Your Way to Financial Success. To be presented by Farnoosh Torabi.

For more information, visit




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