Russell Releases GeoExposure Index
In response to increasingly integrated global markets, the series includes four new indexes developed from existing Russell Global Indexes, and employs Russell’s first application of its new geographic exposure concept. The series follows a transparent and rules-based methodology to identify companies with exposure to emerging markets, and then adjusts the weight for each company within the index to reflect the level of the exposure.
Initially, the series consists of four Russell global indexes:
- Russell 1000 Emerging Markets GeoExposure Index
- Russell Developed Large Cap Emerging Markets GeoExposure Index
- Russell Developed Europe Large Cap Emerging Markets GeoExposure Index
- Russell Developed Ex-North America Large Cap Emerging Markets GeoExposure Index
Russell partnered with data classification firm Revere Data LLC to capture geographic revenue information that aims to reveal subtle differences among companies in similar industries. The indexing methodology considers both percentage and absolute revenue in determining a company’s geographic exposure.
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