BNY Mellon Launches Total Emerging Markets Strategy

<span>Standish Mellon Asset Management Company LLC and The Boston Company Asset Management (TBCAM) are jointly managing the Total Emerging Markets strategy.</span> 
Reported by Rebecca Moore

The two asset management firms are investment boutiques of BNY Mellon Asset Management. The Total Emerging Markets strategy is an actively managed strategy that seeks to create a diversified portfolio comprising the most attractive opportunities in emerging markets bonds, equities, and currencies.

Within this new strategy, Standish and TBCAM will share asset allocation and country selection decisions. Standish will select fixed income securities and make currency management decisions with TBCAM handling equity selections.  

“We have designed the Total Emerging Markets strategy so it can seek better risk-adjusted and absolute long-term performance than traditional emerging markets equity portfolios benchmarked against the MSCI EM Index,” said Alexander Kozhemiakin, who leads the emerging markets fixed income team at Standish.  

In contrast to a traditional emerging markets equities-only portfolio, the Total Emerging Markets strategy is designed to encompass an expanded investment universe and should benefit from a greater degree of country diversification, as the equity and fixed income universes in emerging markets only partially overlap, according to the announcement.  

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