Lincoln Introduces Customized Portfolio Product

Lincoln Trust Company is rolling out “Managed Models,” a customized portfolio product designed specifically for the retirement industry.
Reported by PLANADVISER staff

Managed Models provides investment advisers the ability to create customized risk or age-based asset allocation portfolios that are not limited to a retirement plan’s core investment lineup. The Lincoln Trust product provides unconstrained fund selection, fund-to-fund transfer functionality, dynamic reporting, and complete transparency, with no fee. Advisers can also private label the product.    

“The Managed Models platform has been designed to be a complete solution for plan advisers bringing an asset allocation strategy to their clients’ plan lineups,” said Tom Gonnella, senior vice president of Corporate Development for Lincoln Trust Company. “Whether they employ a tactical or strategic approach, these professionals will have easy access to virtually the entire universe of mutual funds, including ETFs and alternative investment funds.”   

A demonstration of Managed Models solution is available here.
ETFs, Managed accounts, Mutual funds,
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