PIMCO Launches First Strategy in New Equity Series
According to PIMCO, the PIMCO EqS Pathfinder will focus on global equity securities, supplemented by value-oriented distressed debt and merger arbitrage and tactical strategies such as hedging. PIMCO benefits of the fund include potential outperformance and lower volatility relative to broad global equity indexes and risk management that aims to mitigate downside potential in all market environments.
Institutional shares of the PIMCO EqS Pathfinder Fund will trade under the ticker symbol PTHWX. Additional tickers include D-shares (PTHDX), A-shares (PATHX), C-shares (PTHCX), R-shares (PTHRX), P-shares (PTHPX), and Administrative shares (PTHNX).
The fund is managed by Anne Gudefin and Charles Lahr, executive vice presidents and portfolio managers based in London and New York, respectively. Lahr joined PIMCO in December 2009 and Gudefin joined in January of this year.
PIMCO funds are distributed by Allianz Global Investors Distributors LLC.