Franklin Templeton Real Estate Advisors Announces New Hire

Franklin Templeton Real Estate Advisors (FTREA) has hired Philip F. Alfieri as Director of Investments, Real Assets.
Reported by Rebecca Moore

In this role, Alfieri will work with Joyce T. Shapiro, Managing Director, Real Assets, and the FTREA management committee to analyze, select, and invest in private real asset fund opportunities globally.   

According to a press release, Franklin Templeton Real Estate Advisors’ real assets team was established earlier this year to expand the group’s capabilities into transportation, agriculture, water, energy, and timber, utilizing the same private equity multi-manager approach employed by the team worldwide.   

The announcement said Alfieri brings 20 years of global experience to Franklin Templeton as an investor, fund adviser, and financer of real asset investments.  Most recently, Alfieri was managing director at Infrastructure Management Group, where he led the firm’s principal investment and advisory businesses. He has also held senior positions with Global Capital Finance LLC, InnoCap LLC, Price Waterhouse LLP, and Citibank N.A.
Hiring firing,
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