PlanServe Releases Smartphone Application

PlanServe Data Systems released a Smartphone application, Relevant Pension Partner, for retirement plan administrators.
Reported by Rebecca Moore

The company said Relevant Pension Partner provides the secure messaging features for administrators to communicate with participants.  Participants can directly receive updates on their accounts without having their information exposed in emails or having to perform Web site log-ons.    

With the application, participants can instantly see payroll deposit confirmations, account value changes, transaction confirmations, investment allocation suggestions, and contribution increase opportunities.  

The Relevant Pension’s XML-based business services can communicate directly with backend systems. The integration with the Relevant FileXchange alert system or client’s internal alert server is a key competitive advantage to deliver more relevant information to retirement participants. 

“Our initial deployment is for SunGard’s OmniPlus and Relius users, but the application is portable to other recordkeeping systems with an open API” said Trent Richardson, CIO of Planserve, in a press release.  

A trial version is available for download free.PlanServe will also provide branded applications with custom features.  The participant will download the iPhone application from Apple’s iTunes store. 
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