ING Enhances Support for TPA Partners
At its fourth annual TPA Partners Advanced Training Forum, ING introduced an enhanced TPA Web site, which features on-demand and automated reporting capabilities and streamlined loan and distribution processing. ING also showcased its new Payroll Administration tool, an electronic payroll interface that connects to ING’s recordkeeping system and the TPA Web site.
In addition, the firm unveiled a number of enhanced marketing arrangements, including improved pricing for plans under $1 million, incentives for new plans received by the end of October with assets under $500,000, and pricing reductions to ING’s Multiple Asset Portfolio (MAP) Select product for sale to qualified plans with less than 500 employees. ING has also incorporated the plan sponsor fiduciary service, ING Portfolio Blueprint, with Investment Solutions and Fiduciary Support from Morningstar Associates, LLC, into the core product offering for new sales at no additional charge.
More information is available at