Principal Offers Fee Disclosure Guidance for Plan Sponsors

A white paper from the Principal Financial Group will help plan sponsors understand and comply with new fee disclosure rules. 

The paper, “New Participant Fee Disclosure Rules: What Plan Sponsors Need to Know,” was written by ERISA expert Jamey Delaplane of Davis & Harman, LLP. It provides insight on:

  • How plans and participants impacted by the new rules
  • Types of information that must be disclosed (such as investment direction and options, investment fees, administrative charges, individual expenses, performance data and more)
  • Special disclosure rules for certain types of investments like brokerage windows, target-date funds, annuities and company stock
  • Delivery options for participant disclosures
  • Required timing of disclosures
  • Repercussions for failing to meet the new requirements

In October, Principal published a white paper discussing the fee disclosure rules for financial professionals (see “Principal Publishes White Paper on Fee Disclosure Guidelines“).

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