PLANADVISER National Conference Recap

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From Monday, September 24 through Wednesday, September 26, 2007, PLANADVISER hosted its first national conference for advisers. Titled “Taking Charge: Building a thriving 401k practice in a rapidly changing market,’ the conference brought together over 325 people, including nearly 250 advisers, at the Ritz Carlton in Orlando, Florida.

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Session Recaps:

Acing Your Finals
A panel of experts offer insights on how to win a finals presentation.

Building Your Deferred Comp Business
409A has shaken up the deferred compensation business, and that offers many opportunities for advisers.

The Future of the Independent Adviser
According to representatives from LPL, National Retirement Partners, and Raymond James, retirement plan advisers working in the independent channel will have many opportunities to broaden their businesses in the future.

The Future of the Wirehouse Adviser
Although there will always be a market for the wirehouse adviser, particularly due to brand recognition, the changing retirement landscape calls for some tweaking of the wirehouse model, said representatives from UBS, Smith Barney, and Wachovia.

How to Get The Most From Your Provider
Advisers and providers talk about working together to increase your value proposition.

Independence Dazed
Why be independent? When going independent, what business model is right for you?

It’s All Your Default: QDIA Essentials
The faults with defaults and how to remedy them.

Making Your Designation(s) Work
Plan sponsors and participants may not appreciate what specific adviser designations mean, but designations can still be useful for a retirement plan adviser’s business.

Plan Sponsor Confidential
What do clients really think about advisers’ services?

Powerful Presentations
Knowing the audience and customizing presentations for specific participant groups are the keys to having an effective participant meeting.

Revenue Sharing: Getting Your Fair Share
Scrutiny of fees has never been more intense. A panel of advisers discussed how they are responding to the environment while protecting their bottom line.

Search Me? Monitoring Plan Providers
Due diligence requires that fiduciaries monitor the performance and suitability of their plan providers on a regular basis.

Should Retirement Income Be a Part of Your Practice?
The conversation about retirement income should not be an at-retirement discussion.


Next year, join us for the second annual PLANADVISER National Conference from September 15 through 17, also to be held at the Ritz Carlton in Orlando, Florida.

XShares Announces Real Estate ETF Offering

XShares Advisors LLC’s newest family of funds, Adelante Shares Real Estate Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), began trading Friday on the New York Stock Exchange.

The family of funds was developed in conjunction with Adelante Shares LLC and provides investors with a new approach to investing in real estate investment trusts (REITs), according to a company announcement. The Adelante Shares Real Estate family of funds separate the market into six distinct REIT-specific characteristics based on Adelante Shares’ proprietary classification of the real-estate sector.

The Adelante Shares Real Estate family of funds is comprised of seven ETFs that focus on funds from operations (FFO), growth rates (growth vs.value), square footage under management, number of units under management, dividend CAGR (compound annual growth rate) vs. CPI
(consumer price index) CAGR, and dividend payout ratio along with a composite.

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The ETFs include:

  • Adelante Shares RE Classics(TM) ETF (ACK): Seeks to capture the greatest amount of U.S. non-residential, non-lodging property.
  • Adelante Shares RE Kings(TM) ETF (AKB): Seeks to capture REITs with conservative dividends.
  • Adelante Shares RE Shelter(TM) ETF (AQS): Seeks to capture the residential real estate sector.
  • Adelante Shares RE Yield Plus(TM) ETF (ATY): Seeks to capture inflation-protected real estate exposure (Dividend CAGR vs CPI CAGR).
  • Adelante Shares RE Growth(TM) ETF (AGV): Seeks to capture the fastest growing REIT companies based on FFO.
  • Adelante Shares RE Value(TM) ETF (AVU): Seeks to capture undervalued REITs.
  • Adelante Shares RE Composite(TM) ETF (ACB): Holds the largest 40 securities by market cap from each of the six indexes currently in the family.

Each ETF, excluding the Adelante Shares RE Composite ETF, holds 25 stocks, including REITs and REOCs (real estate operating companies). Each Index composition calculation is administered independently by Standard & Poor’s (S&P).

For more information, visit
