Pershing Teams with PriceMetrix, Inc

Pershing LLC has formed an alliance with PriceMetrix Inc. that will help Pershing’s introducing broker-dealer customers better evaluate their businesses and identify growth opportunities.
The alliance will help introducing broker-dealers help their representatives maximize productivity because they will get access to PriceMetrix’s specialized reports. These reports help such firms: analyze sales and market intelligence data, develop tailored marketing campaigns, receive consultative advice surrounding commission structures, discount sharing programs and compensation plans, and use a variety of value-added productivity tools such as online calculators and best practice case studies, the company said.

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Pershing, a provider of clearing and financial services outsourcing solutions to institutional and retail financial organizations and independent investment advisors, is a subsidiary of the Bank of New York Company, Inc.

Software Lets Advisers Depict Full Value of Employee Compensation

Benefits advisers, consultants and third-party administrators (TPAs) are now able to produce branded total compensation statements easily and inexpensively for clients with the release of new software.

The statements available through the new Agency Edition, a third-party, branded edition of, a service operated by TotalRewards Software, Inc., depict the full value of an employee’s direct pay and benefits package.

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The on-demand web-based program is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is accessible from any location with an Internet connection. Users do not need to install any software and each project costs only $150, regardless of employee population size, the company said.

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