Sales in the pension risk
transfer buy-out market have exceeded $3.5 billion for three consecutive
years, according to survey results from LIMRA Secure Retirement
Institute. Buy-out contracts increased to 277 last year, up from 217 in
2013. However,
the number of contracts do not tell the complete story, according to
Ericson, analyst for LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute. A few large
can significantly affect sales in the market.
As a result of two large buy-out deals involving
Bristol-Meyers Squibb and Motorola in the fourth quarter, total assets in the group annuity risk transfer market, including buy-ins, buy-outs and other transactions, topped
$128 billion in 2014, which is the highest ever reported. The two companies
transferred their group pension obligations to Prudential and the sales
represented more than half of the $8.5 billion total in pension buy-out sales for the year.
Total buy-out sales last year were the third highest since
LIMRA began tracking the statistic in 1986. Defined benefit pension plans have seen years of low interest rates and
are facing increasing Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) premiums, which has encouraged
more companies to purchase a group annuity, transferring their risk to an
“The growth in this market is also attracting new players,”
says Ericson. “Two new companies entered the market in 2014, bringing the total
[of buy-out contract providers] to 11.”
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A settlement with the Department of Labor (DOL) regarding an
employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) transaction and a Supreme Court decision
that sponsors of retirement plans that offer company stock as an investment
option are not entitled
to a presumption of prudence gave ESOP plan sponsors a few things to
However, the specific implications depend on the type of
ESOP a plan sponsor has.
Corey Rosen, founder of the Oakland, California-based
National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO), notes that publicly traded
companies account for a relatively small percentage of ESOPs, but because the
companies are big, they may have a large amount of assets in ESOPs. For these
companies, the ESOP tends to be integrated into a 401(k) plan; they more often
have company contributions that are related to employee deferrals, and
employees can purchase or redeem stock. These types of ESOPs rarely own more
than 5% of a company’s shares.
The majority of ESOPs (95%) are sponsored by closely held,
or private, companies. These ESOPs tend to hold a large percentage of the
company’s stock—increasingly they hold 100% of a company’s stock because the
ESOPs are typically used to purchase shares from existing owners, Rosen tells PLANADVISER.
These companies, which Rosen calls ESOP companies, create a culture of
ownership; they market themselves as employee-owned, it’s an integral part of
the way they think of themselves as a company and the way employees think.
Rosen notes that when considering the presumption of
prudence litigation history—he’s been tracking every case since 1990—there have
been only two cases involving closely held companies. In one case, the
presumption of prudence was one of a number of issues, not the critical issue.
“For public companies, the presumption of prudence says the
plan sponsor can invest in stock and does not have to constantly make decisions
about investing in anything else. In private companies, there is nothing else;
if they didn’t primarily invest in company stock, they wouldn’t have a true
ESOP,” Rosen says. “Private companies are not affected by the decision in Fifth
Third Bancorp v. Dudenhoeffer, and will not be. They don’t need to think
about that.”
According to Rosen, it is hard to tell right now what
publicly traded companies should do following the Dudenhoeffer decision.
He notes that very few other cases have been remanded due to the Supreme Court
decision, and the ones that have been remanded haven’t been decided yet. “The
question is, do the substitute standards for determining the prudence of
company stock offered by Supreme Court make it harder or easier for
participants to prevail in their claims,” he says, adding that the presumption
was more important for publicly traded companies because their ESOPs are
typically part of a 401(k) for which trustees have to determine if company
stock is the right investment option to offer participants.
“It wouldn’t bother me if public companies
de-emphasized employer stock,” Rosen says. “If they are not thinking of
themselves as employee-owned, it’s better to just see their plans as retirement
savings vehicles, not ownership vehicles.”
NCEO has found that employee ownership makes employees more
productive and ESOP companies tend to perform better. If a plan sponsor is
choosing to offer company stock for these reasons, it could offer the ESOP as a
stand-alone plan fully funded and only funded by the company, and offer a
separate retirement plan. Rosen notes that closely held companies are more
likely to offer a retirement savings plan separate from the ESOP than any
company is to offer any retirement plan.
If a publicly traded company wants to continue to offer
employer stock in its 401(k) plan, the result in Dudenhoeffer shows
they certainly want to have an independent trustee, Rosen says. “In some
companies, fiduciary decisions are made by insiders who have conflicts of
interest. They don’t want executives that have enough stock options to buy
small countries to make decisions about company stock in the retirement plan.”
Rosen also recommends plan sponsors establish guidelines
about the maximum percentage of total holdings participants may have in company
stock. If a participant’s balance goes over the maximum, the excess would be
invested in something else.
Plan sponsors should get periodic updates about performance
of the company’s stock, and be transparent. In addition, communications should
warn employees about the risks of investing their deferrals in company stock.
“I think it’s important to put the Dudenhoeffer decision
in context; it’s about a publicly traded company offering company stock as an
option to employees, so it applies to a narrow range of circumstances,” says
Jerry Ripperger, who leads the ESOP team at The Principal Financial Group.
Ripperger tells PLANADVISER the settlement GreatBanc Trust
Co. agreed to in litigation with the DOL applies to more circumstances because
it involved a true ESOP. In 2012, the DOL sued GreatBanc, as trustee to the
Sierra Aluminum Co. ESOP, alleging it allowed the plan to purchase stock from
Sierra Aluminum’s co-founders and top executives for more than fair market
value. GreatBanc and its insurers settled the case for $5.25
million. The company also agreed to put safeguards in place whenever the company
is a trustee or fiduciary to an ESOP that is engaging in transactions involving
the purchase or sale of employer securities that are not publicly traded.
Ripperger believes the settlement will produce a couple of
results for ESOPS: a greater number of ESOPs will be externally trusteed—even
if not externally trusteed on a regular basis, The Principal suggests it for
transactions—and more sell-side advisers will be used for transactions, by both
the company and the ESOP trustee. He says these extra protections for plan
participants are a good thing.
According to Ripperger, The Principal has not seen an impact
in the volume of requests to set up an ESOP, but the GreatBanc settlement will
impact how ESOPs are formed going forward. “The first thing we would ask is
‘What are you trying to achieve by setting up an ESOP, are you divesting part
of the ownership of the organization?” he says. “The answer to that will inform
whether Dudenhoeffer or the GreatBanc proceedings determines
the governance of the plan.”
Ripperger says companies don’t have to get out of company
stock, they just have to make sure have good governance in place. “Establish
clearly documented and defined governance procedures, audit them regularly to
make sure they apply, and have good legal counsel to make sure the i’s are
dotted and t’s are crossed.”
He adds that one of the biggest lessons from both litigation
outcomes is that sound governance is a good investment in any Employee
Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) plan. Plan sponsors should look at plan
governance as an investment and not as an expense.