As Participants Shun Annuities, Some Are Depleting Savings Quickly

Research suggests making participants more comfortable with annuitizing their savings could help them with spending in retirement.

Asked what they will do with the money in their employer-sponsored retirement account when they retire, nearly one-quarter (23%) of participants surveyed by AllianceBernstein said they would rollover their funds to an individual retirement account, while 18% said they would leave their money in the plan. Five percent indicated they would take a lump-sum distribution.

Only 11% reported they would buy an annuity, even though one-third selected a “steady stream of income in retirement” as the quality most important about saving for retirement, according to AllianceBernstein’s “Inside the Minds of Plan Participants” report.

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AllianceBernstein asked what  makes retirement plan participants shun annuities and were told that participants are concerned about inflation eroding the purchasing power of their income stream (32%), giving up control of their assets and not having access to them in case of emergency (21%), and not receiving all the income benefit they paid for if they die (18%). When given a choice between two hypothetical scenarios, two-thirds of participants surveyed said they would select $40,000 in guaranteed annual income if their money would grow with the stock market, and they could access their funds over a $50,000 guaranteed annual income without these features.

Tim Walsh, senior managing director at TIAA, has previously said there is more flexibility with in-plan annuities than plan sponsors or participants think. “In-plan annuities are really hybrid annuities. They act like mutual funds during the savings years, but when a participant retires, he has the option to annuitize; it’s not mandated to annuitize,” he said. “When participants get to retirement, their plans for retirement may have changed, so flexibility is important.”

Walsh also pointed out that 403(b) plan participants—who more likely have in-plan annuity options than 401(k) plan participants—typically only annuitize part of their benefits. This addresses the argument that participants don’t want to lock up all their assets. 403(b) plan participants invest in annuities, but they can decide whether to annuitize their savings or not at retirement. “A diversified income strategy that includes partial annuitization, systematic withdrawals and Social Security benefits is the best combination for meeting daily expenses, emergency expenses and leaving a legacy in retirement,” Walsh said.

According to the latest edition of MetLife’s “Paycheck or Pot of Gold Study,” nine in 10 pre-retirees feel it is valuable (i.e., very important or absolutely essential) for someone to have a guaranteed monthly income in retirement to pay their bills. Nine in 10 pre-retirees (89%) also say they are interested in an option that would allow them to have both a monthly retirement “paycheck” that would last as long as they (or their spouse/partner) live and access to a lump sum of their retirement savings to spend however they want. However, if they had to choose, pre-retirees are far more likely to opt for the annuity (monthly retirement “paycheck”) (82%) over a lump sum that would give them all their retirement savings at one time but could potentially run out (18%).

How Annuities Help With Retirement Spending

AllianceBernstein also found people misjudge the pace at which they can draw down their assets in retirement. Nearly half (48%) said they think if they had a $500,000 account balance, they could withdraw 7% or more each year and not run out of money in their lifetime. Another 28% said they could withdraw from 4% to 6% each year.

A 4% withdrawal rate with annual inflation adjustments has been considered a safe withdrawal rate for years. It became the standard when financial planner Bill Bengen first demonstrated in 1994 that the 4% withdrawal rule had succeeded over most 30-year periods in modern market history. However, recent research from Morningstar finds that a 3.3% starting withdrawal rate is more sustainable given today’s low bond yields and high stock valuations.

Meanwhile, MetLife’s 2022 “Paycheck or Pot of Gold Study” found that today, one in three retirees (34%) who took a lump sum from their defined contribution plan depleted the lump sum in five years, on average. This is more than in the inaugural study in 2017, which found that 20% of retirees who took a lump sum from a retirement plan depleted their lump sum, on average, in 5.5 years.

“There can be significant drawbacks for retirees when taking a lump sum,” says Melissa Moore, senior vice president and head of annuities at MetLife. “With the average American living 20 years or more in retirement, longer than previous generations, this can leave them at risk of depleting their money too quickly and needing to fund a significant portion of their retirement years with no income other than Social Security.”

For those who selected a lump sum at retirement, more than three-quarters (79%) made at least one major purchase, including luxury items such as vehicles, vacations, and new or second homes, within the first year of withdrawing money. This is a significant increase from 2017, when 64% made such a purchase. Among all lump sum recipients, 46% express at least some regret about withdrawing money from their DC plan.

In comparison, nearly all annuity-only retirees (97%) use their DC plan money for some type of ongoing expense, such as day-to-day living expenses or housing expenses, and 94% agree that receiving annuity payments makes it easier for them to pay for basic necessities. With that, 95% say that receiving monthly annuity payments makes them feel financially secure. In fact, virtually all annuity-only recipients are happy (96%) that they chose to receive a retirement paycheck from their DC plan.

A majority of retirees (80%) and pre-retirees (74%) report having received some form of information about what to do with the balance of their DC plan when they retire. Most retirees indicate they feel the amount of information they had available to them at the point of retirement was just right (77%)—especially those who have an annuity only (i.e., not an annuity/lump sum hybrid option) (87%, compared with 63% of lump-sum retirees).

Pre-retirees generally see the amount of information they’ve received so far as “just the right amount” for what they need (69%). However, more than one in five say it’s been too little (21%)).

Both retirees and pre-retirees (89% and 94%) think it would have been/would be helpful if plan sponsors were required to provide an annual lifetime income statement showing employees how much monthly income they can expect their DC plan account balance to provide in retirement.

Participants will get their wish this year, as the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act, and subsequent Department of Labor regulations, require plan sponsors to begin doing so. Participants will need education and help to understand the projections and how to use them in retirement planning.

An SEC Regulatory Status Report

One expert attorney who works on Securities and Exchange Commission compliance issues says the regulator is feeling a growing sense of pressure to advance the Biden administration’s ambitious agenda as quickly as possible.  

Issa Hanna, a partner at the law firm Eversheds Sutherland LLP, recently sat down with PLANADVISER for a wide-ranging discussion about the regulatory activities of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

In Hanna’s view, the SEC has been highly active during the early part of President Joe Biden’s first term in office, and the same can be expected for the next two years. For context, Hanna assists broker/dealers, investment advisers, investment funds, insurance companies and insurance distributors in navigating the regulatory requirements applicable to their businesses. As Hanna emphasizes, these requirements have shifted substantially in recent years, and they can be expected to continue to do so.

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“One easy prediction to make is that the next few years of SEC activity under Chair Gary Gensler are going to be all-hands-on-deck,” Hanna says. “Clearly, President Biden has a very ambitious rulemaking agenda when it comes to the financial services sector, and the SEC’s leadership and staff are working hard to live up to this vision. In fact, my understanding is that the staff at the SEC has been instructed to really focus on the forward-looking agenda and to not spend too much time on other initiatives that have already been undertaken.”

As an example of this, Hanna cites the SEC’s marketing rule updates, which were finalized in the closing days of the prior administration. The finalized amendments created a single rule to replace the prior advertising and cash solicitation rules. According to the SEC’s leadership at the time, the final rule has been designed to “comprehensively and efficiently regulate investment advisers’ marketing communications.” The prior SEC leadership said the reforms would allow advisers to provide investors with useful information as they choose investment advisers and advisory services, subject to conditions that are reasonably designed to prevent fraud.

“At this point, though there was a lot of initial enthusiasm for the rule changes, a lot of our clients are actually struggling to get into compliance with the new marketing rules,” Hanna notes. “This is because they feel they have not gotten much supplemental guidance and compliance support coming from the SEC side. We haven’t seen the development and distribution of compliance guides and FAQs—the sort of sub-regulatory actions that help practitioners achieve compliance.”

Hanna’s clients continue to be excited about new marketing opportunities, he adds, but they fear making mistakes or misinterpreting the updated regs.

“They know the SEC still has plenty of ammunition to go after potentially misleading testimonials, for example, and so they are being cautious,” he says. “They haven’t gotten the typical back-and-forth they would have expected to see, to help clear up those interpretive issues that inevitably arise under new regulations.”

Hanna’s viewpoint is that this pivot is by design, though not necessarily desired, on the part of the resourced-constrained SEC.

“It seems clear that the top-level leaders of the SEC are saying that the regulator needs to use its limited resources to focus on new things, on the Biden administration’s biggest priorities,” Hanna observes. “I think it’s a staffing issue and that time is of the essence. They know it is ultimately a short time window which they have to do the big things they want to do.”

As a prime example of a new priority, Hanna points to the recent proposal of regulations pertaining to the reporting requirements placed on private fund advisers. Specifically, the SEC has proposed substantial amendments to Form PF, the confidential reporting form for certain SEC-registered investment advisers to private funds. The SEC’s leadership says the proposed amendments are designed to enhance the Financial Stability Oversight Council’s ability to assess systemic risk, as well as to bolster the Commission’s regulatory oversight of private fund advisers and its investor protection efforts, in light of the growth of the private fund industry.

“In my view, the first thing to take away from the private fund rulemaking proposal is that it is the most significant expansion of the regulation of private fund advisers since they were first required to register with the SEC as a result of Dodd-Frank Act,” Hanna says. “Standing alone, even a single aspect of this new proposal would be viewed as being very significant—for example the requirement that private funds give their investors a quarterly statement with all of the expenses and fees associated with the fund. That, standing alone, is a big deal, and its just one part of this ambitious package.”

Another part of the proposal would require that advisers file reports within one business day of events that indicate significant stress at a fund that could harm investors or signal risk in the broader financial system. The proposed amendments would provide the Commission and FSOC with more timely information to analyze and assess risks to investors and the markets more broadly. The proposal also would decrease the reporting threshold for large private equity advisers from $2 billion to $1.5 billion in private equity fund assets under management.

The SEC’s leadership argues that lowering the threshold would result in reporting on Form PF that continues to provide robust data on a sizable portion of the private equity industry. Finally, the proposal would require more information regarding large private equity funds and large liquidity funds to enhance the information used for risk assessment and the Commission’s regulatory programs.

“What the SEC is getting at here is that they feel they cannot rely on the private fund industry itself to make adequate disclosures under the current framework,” Hanna says. “Parts of the rulemaking seem to require that certain private fund advisers engage a third-party to provide fairness assessments regarding how the fund is constructed and distributed, while other parts would require that new disclosures are made to all investors in a fund about any side letters or communications certain other investors are receiving. Again, it’s a very ambitious package.”

Hanna says one clear conclusion to be drawn from the SEC’s recent activities, including the proposal of cybersecurity-focused regulations, is that Chair Gensler “doesn’t seem afraid of a difficult fight or making tough, potentially controversial decisions.”

“He is not somebody who cowers from all that,” Hanna says. “Overall, if the financial services industry leadership has not already, they need to see the past few months of regulatory action as a harbinger of what is to come across many different areas. For example, there is now an outstanding request for information and comment on advisers’ and fund providers’ digital engagement processes. I expect that we could see an ambitious proposal on this front any time now, one that could really impact the way certain firms do business, including the most popular app-based trading platforms.”


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