PANC 2017: Behavioral Finance and the Future of Improving Retirement Outcomes in the Digital World

Shlomo Benartzi shared tricks for ‘digital nudging’ with attendees of the 2017 PLANADVISER National Conference.

Professor Shlomo Benartzi, business school professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Anderson School of Management, and senior academic adviser at the Voya Behavioral Finance Institute for Innovation, told attendees of the 2017 PLANADVISER National Conference (PANC), Friday, that behavioral economics has the potential to markedly improve plan participants’ retirement outcomes.

He reflected on the campaign detailed in his book “Save More Tomorrow.” Basically, he said, people want to save, but will say they have no money to do that today. The campaign asked employees to save more later—specifically, when they get an annual pay raise. At that time, they will start receiving more, but if that money goes right into savings, they will not miss it.  “People forget,” Benartzi said. “So, the campaign’s idea was to combat inertia with automatic savings.”

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According to Benartzi, it took two years to find a plan sponsor willing to try out the concept, and the results were convincing. Average participant savings with the “Save More Tomorrow” campaign went from 3.5% in 1998 at that employer to 13.6%% in 2002. The plan sponsor, along with its adviser, asked the lowest savers to increase their contribution by 3% each year up to 12%, and 80% of them signed up. Benartzi said almost all who did so remained in the retirement program, but nearly 20% stopped at 9.4%. However, not one participant dropped back to a lower saving rate, and those who continued in the program and retired did so having four times as much retirement income.

“The right behavioral insights, placed with automated solutions to make things easy, worked,” Benartzi observed.

According to Benartzi, it took about 20 years for the ideas from “Save More Tomorrow” to fully catch on—the industry needs greater speed and scale to get more savers to their retirement income goals.

He said technology is the tool. Attendees of his discussion received a copy of his new book, “The Smarter Screen: Surprising Ways to Influence and Improve Online Behavior.”

A study by the University of Colorado with people who received 24 hours of financial education found general education did not work, but “just-in-time” education did. Benartzi explained that new savers do not need education about missing compounding interest opportunities if they cash out their savings at a job change—that information won’t stay with them. However, people shown the financial dimensions of their lives—how much they make and how much they spend—made progress. The study found that people provided with a mobile app offering this personal finance information checked it every two days; many used it in the morning before they made daily purchases. Spending went down by 15.7%, he said.

NEXT: Digital nudging

According to Benartzi, researchers measured the return on investment (ROI) of different digital nudging campaigns—what was the increase in retirement contributions per $1 spent. Showing participants the tax incentive of saving in their defined contribution (DC) plan resulted in only an ROI of $1.24 in savings per $1 spent. “No one understands tax rates, so that was not a big incentive,” he said.

Showing participants the matching contributions they will receive had a better ROI of $5.59 in savings, and financial education generated an ROI of $14.58 in savings. However, a simple email nudge showing what amount a participant would accumulate over time or the amount they would get if they took action resulted in an ROI of $1,600.

Benartzi said digital displays are attractive to participants because they are anonymous and there is no judgment. People will answer questions differently on an anonymous digital display than in person.

He shared some tricks for using technology to nudge people to save more. For example, if people read fast, they fail to take in all the information. Using digital tricks to slow down reading speed, such as setting off the text with ugly fonts or shadows, will get people to understand and remember what they read.

In addition, people have visual biases. In one study, Benartzi said, people were asked which of three desserts they didn’t like. But when they were asked to choose from three desserts they were shown online, with their least favorite placed in the middle, people always chose that dessert. “Think about where you put savings rates participants can choose on the screen,” he told conference attendees.

He also pointed out that when people have to make a decision with pen and paper, they get more emotional and think about it more. But, with digital tools, they don’t think as much, so participants should be offered a one-click solution to enroll in the plan, but not to cash out.

Further, digital nudging can be personalized. Benartzi reflected on how Amazon guesses what people want to buy and will stock those items near a person’s house, so that when he does order them, he receives them faster. “This is the level of personalization we have to get to,” he said.

In terms of retirement plans, he predicts we will get to a place where people will not be automatically enrolled at the same savings rate, and some will be auto-enrolled at a higher rate. “There are lots of opportunities for personalization with big data,” Benartzi said.

He noted that, on a website that showed participants what they have and what they need and that suggested savings rates between 6% and 11%, the opt-out rates were nearly flat across all suggested savings rates. “It was a beautiful result. We got them to save more income quickly,” he said.

Benartzi concluded that, even though the “Save More Tomorrow” campaign took two decades to catch on, plan sponsors, advisers and providers can apply the digital nudge ideas right away to give participants a lift.

Individuals Need a Better Idea of Retirement Expenses

Research indicates consumers who conduct retirement planning activities or have a formal written retirement plan prior to retirement have a greater likelihood that actual expenses resemble anticipated expenses.

Twenty-six percent of retirees said their basic living expenses in retirement were higher than they expected prior to retiring, according to a study by LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute. 

Another four in 10 retirees underestimated health care and long-term care costs. On average, two-thirds of retirees’ expenditures are spent on basic living expenses and health care and long-term care costs.

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“Mismatches between spending expectations and experiences are strongly associated with retirees’ confidence levels,” says Matthew Drinkwater, PhD., assistant vice president, LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute.

Six in 10 retirees who said their basic living expenses were significantly higher than they expected did not feel confident they would be able to live their desired retirement lifestyle. For those who encountered significantly higher than expected health care and long-term care costs, nearly one-third (32%) said they were not confident they would be able to live their desired retirement lifestyle.

The study found women are 50% more likely than men to say that their basic living expenses are somewhat or significantly higher than they expected before they retired. (30% versus 20%, respectively).  Women are also slightly more likely to experience higher than expected health and long-term care-related expenses than men are (43% vs. 39%). Among retirees who faced unexpectedly higher basic living costs, women express lower levels of confidence that their savings and investments won’t run out if they live to be 90 (36% of women vs. 49% of men).

NEXT: Cutting Back on Discretionary Spending Not the Answer

Lower-income retirees are substantially more likely than higher-income retirees to say that their basic living expenses are higher than anticipated. Among retirees with incomes between $35,000 and $49,999, 35% say these expenses exceeded their expectations prior to retirement. When you consider that retirees with household incomes of $35,000 to $49,999 spend almost 60% of their income on basic living expenses, the added unexpected costs could substantially affect their retirement confidence, LIMRA says. Retirees with incomes of $100,000 or more spend about 45% of their income on basic living expenses, and only 15% claim that expenses are higher than they thought they would be.

“Many retirees say they would cut back on discretionary expenses to compensate for larger than expected basic living expenses and/or health and long-term care costs,” notes Drinkwater. “This is not necessarily a practical solution. Generally speaking, our study found discretionary spending represents less than 20% of total expenses for retirees. And those facing these unexpected higher expenses already spend very little on discretionary items.”

Institute research indicates consumers who conduct retirement planning activities or have a formal written retirement plan prior to retirement have a greater likelihood that actual expenses resemble anticipated expenses. Sixty-nine percent of those with a formal written plan say discretionary expenses are about the same as expected versus 51% of retirees without any plan.

To view an infographic highlighting the findings, please visit Experience Versus Expectations in Retirement Spending.
