PANC 2015: Top Trends

Taking a more holistic view of benefits, coping with the “longevity disconnect” and improving pension risk management were topics for retirement industry experts at PANC 2015.

Two longtime industry experts took a high-level view of employer-sponsored benefit programs during the first day of PANC 2015, outlining the top trends likely to impact practice management and profitability in the year ahead. 

Plan sponsors are taking a more holistic view of benefits and advisers should take note when formulating value propositions and service models, noted Scott Buffington, vice president of retirement services national sales for MassMutual Retirement Services.

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“It means a lot when you’re talking to a company prospect,” he said, adding that with health care, disability, life insurance and other types of benefits all bombarding participants with different messages, people are used to thinking about benefits in terms of distinct silos. But these messages intersect and their interplay is very important, Buffington said, and participants need help more than ever to sort everything out. 

“Helping people to see how things intersect is a big trend,” Buffington said. 

Buffington was also asked if the annual enrollment around health care is an important time for plan sponsors to bring up retirement enrollment, given the growing convergence of benefits. “Yes,” he said, “more tools are being launched and the best advisers can lead the discussion for participants as they contemplate their pool of benefits dollars.”

An aging workforce that can’t afford to retire will have an economic impact on other benefits programs, Buffington said. “Look at the demographics of your plan and articulate to your CEO that it makes sense to calculate the benefit of other benefits programs,” he advised. “We’re seeing this across the country, how benefits intersect, and more advisers are partnering with benefits firms to have that conversation.”

NEXT: Financial wellness on the rise

Advisers want more conversation around wellness, said Michael Domingos, vice president, corporate distribution and strategy at Prudential Retirement, but the range of definitions makes it more difficult. “If there are 150 people in the room, I’d probably get 150 different answers as to what it is,” he said. 

Interest is growing in the notion, however, he said, given what employees and employers both say about wellness. Citing statistics from LIMRA, he pointed out that 79% of employees say they lose sleep over their finances and another substantial portion admit they live paycheck to paycheck.

On the employers’ perspective, Domingos said, seven out of 10 HR professionals say financial challenges impede workplace performance. “The good news is that in a similar study, 81% of employers said they want to be able to provide some form of wellness,” he said, “and 89% of employees said they feel it is appropriate to get that counsel through the workplace.”

The concept of financial wellness could be opening a new frontier for advisers, he said, with some completely changing their business model, creating wellness curricula around debt management and estate planning, for example, and marketing the service to large plan sponsors as education modules.

On the matter of how advisers can address the issue of retirement plan participants who don’t save enough even with optimal plan design features in place, Domingos cited five key behavioral challenges that each must be overcome to ensure better outcomes. These are the longevity disconnect, procrastination, optimism bias, over-reaction and impulse control, he said. 

NEXT: The challenge of living longer

“One in four people will live past 90,” Domingos said, which converges with several factors—market volatility and the shift from defined benefit (DB) to defined contribution (DC) plans, creating even stronger need to help people manage longevity.

“The concept of income as part of a retirement plan is not new,” Domingos said, since annuities have been around a long time. But since 2007 interest has been growing in an institutional approach to guaranteed income, and research shows the number of plans offering some income option is soaring. “Definitely have an eye toward this talk with your clients,” he said. “It’s gaining traction—and there’s a huge opportunity to provide it.”

Pension risk management could be an opportunity for advisers, and Domingos suggested that if advisers are not spending time on this, they might want to consider it. “Organizations can use a lot of help and you can really differentiate yourself,” he said. A growing number of plans are de-risking, he said, for several reasons. “Your client is faced with increasing PBGC premiums,” he said. “They are going up to $64 per person. That’s a real cost. Mortality tables are being updated, and the spread is 6% to 9% for increasing your liabilities. Pension buyout transfers all risk to the balance sheet of an insurer. There’s a huge move in that direction.”

According to Buffington, niche markets provide the best opportunity: “They need your help,” he said. Their lack of expertise in DC could mean a big referral opportunity, and the longevity of the relationship is a possibility. “We try to educate advisers to diversify their revenue,” he said.

PANC 2015: The Regulatory Environment

Many SEC actions will impact retirement plan advisers.

With the presence of Andrea Ottomanelli Magovern, acting branch chief of the Division of Investment Management at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the regulatory discussion at the PLANADVISER National Conference focused on SEC actions.

Ottomanelli Magovern gave attendees an overview of money market fund reforms adopted by the SEC in 2014. The rule amendments require providers to establish a floating net asset value (NAV) for institutional prime money market funds, which will allow the daily share prices of these funds to fluctuate along with changes in the market-based value of fund assets. The reform also provides non-government retail money market funds with new tools, known as liquidity fees and redemption gates, to address potential runs on fund assets. 

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According to Ottomanelli Magovern, the establishment of a floating NAV addresses first mover advantage. During the financial crisis of 2008, investors had an incentive to get out of money market funds at the first sign of trouble because those who didn’t were left to make up the difference between the $1.00 per share published price of the funds and the shadow price, she explained. “We found that most of these first movers were institutional funds, so we want to steer the reform in that direction,” she said. Ottomanelli Magovern added that a floating NAV also provides risk transparency; investors can see there is risk with a share value that goes up and down.

David N. Levine, a principal at Groom Law Group, Chartered, told attendees institutional investors, including retirement plans, are starting to discuss the implications of the money market fund reform, and many times advisers are leading the discussions. They are helping plan sponsors review their current money market funds and determine whether they need to move to government funds

Ottomanelli Magovern said compliance with the news rules is expected by October 14, 2016. “About two-thirds of retirement plans have money market funds,” she said. “We want to get the word out because we’re not sure plan sponsors are focused on it.”

NEXT: SEC enforcement priorities

Ottomanelli Magovern told conference attendees other priorities for the SEC’s investment and enforcement divisions include getting better disclosures from registrants; looking into liquidity risk management—how derivatives and funds invested in derivatives are managed; and looking into transition and succession planning for advisers.

One notable SEC action is the ReTIRE initiative. Levine said “the SEC marches to its own drum, but there are a lot of similarities” between this initiative and the Department of Labor’s (DOL) proposed fiduciary rule. But, the ReTIRE initiative looks at things like, “what is a reasonable basis for adviser recommendations, and who is responsible for oversight?” it also looks into deceptive marketing practices, according to Levine.

Speaking of the DOL fiduciary rule, both Levine and Jamie Fleckner, a partner at Goodwin Procter LLP, told conference attendees they should expect the DOL to move forward on it. “They may back off on some disclosures, but they will keep the focus on unconflicted advice,” he said, adding that there may, for example, be some relief concerning rollovers for those advisers affiliated with product providers. “But, not everyone will like the changes.”

Fleckner said advisers will adapt to the new environment. He noted that there was a similar rule in the UK, and many advisers moved to using a flat fee, which made obtaining advice more expensive for smaller plans. But, “there are a lot of small plans out there,” Fleckner said. “They will attempt to continue to get advice, and the DOL will support some of those attempts.”

Levine thinks someone will come up with a model that works, perhaps a combination of robo and live advice. But, he also thinks the industry will see advisers focus more on wellness education, “with some advice for the right price thrown in.”
