Nuance Launches New Mutual Fund

Nuance Investments, a classic value investment firm, has launched the Nuance Mid Cap Value Fund.

This is the second mutual fund offered by Nuance, which launched the Nuance Concentrated Value Fund in May 2011.

The Nuance Mid Cap Value Fund mirrors the strategy and approach of the firm’s Nuance Mid Cap Value Separate Accounts and seeks long-term capital appreciation, primarily through investments in equity securities that the investment team believes are high-quality though temporarily out of favor.

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Nuance selects securities for the fund’s investment portfolio by using an extensive quantitative screening and fundamental research process that identifies leading businesses selling at a discount to fair value with the potential to generate above average returns over time.

“A key to our firm’s track record to this point has always been our attention to detail and commitment to understanding as much as possible about each company we consider for inclusion in our portfolios,” says Scott A. Moore, president and chief investment officer of Nuance, based in Kansas City, Missouri. “With this new fund, we will continue to apply our in-depth process with a focus on seeking to provide superior risk-adjusted returns for our investors.”

The fund was launched in collaboration with Montage Investments, Nuance’s parent company, which offers alternative investment solutions across the spectrum of asset classes and strategies that include mutual funds, closed-end funds and separate accounts.

More information is available on the Nuance website or by calling 855-682-6233.
