Lockwood Adds Expansive Model Portfolios to Managed Account Platform; Capital Group Adopts PFaroe; PGIM Lengthens ETF Space with Second Actively Managed Fund; and more.
Principal Milestones, which includes iGrad’s Enrich financial wellness program, helps participants access comprehensive financial education resources all in one place.
MassMutual debuts RetireSMART TDF series with J.P. Morgan glide paths; Delta Data launches proprietary product manager; and AXA doubles down on SRI/ESG integration.
Via the new client interface, participants can see their projected health care costs in retirement compared against the projected balance in their HSA.
First Trust Introduces Dorsey Wright Momentum Plus ETFs; T. Rowe Price Closes 23-Year-Old Fund; Fidelity Merges Active and Passive Funds in New TDF Suite; and more.