
Managing Frozen Pensions No Easy Task

Frozen pension plans are substantially different from open plans and need to be managed accordingly to prevent litigation and ensure positive outcomes for plan participants.

eVestment Revamps Analytics Offerings

Institutional investment data and analytics provider eVestment issued a pair of retooled solutions for managing traditional and alternative investment strategies.

NY Life Issues 401(k) Planning Videos

A series of animated “whiteboards,” released by New York Life Retirement Plan Services, aims to illustrate prominent 401(k) planning concepts for employer-sponsored retirement plan participants.

BNP Offers U.S. TIPS to DC, DB Plans

BNP Paribas Investment Partners Trust Company added a share class to offer employer-sponsored retirement plans access to its U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) comingled investment fund.

SunGard Unveils Planning Tool

WealthStation CompAct is SunGard’s financial planning tool that lets advisers produce results-based, holistic financial plans quickly, simply and interactively.