In Practice

Study Says Pre-Retirement Connection Key

Connecting with baby boomers while they are still in their working years is critical to establishing relationships for advisers, according to the third annual Lincoln Long Life Survey...

Small Biz Owners Clueless on PPA

A recent poll of 507 small business (companies with 50 employees or fewer, including one-person, owner-operated businesses) owners or CEO’s/Presidents commissioned by ShareBuilder 401(k) found that many small...

Getting Better

Is your continuous improvement stalled at the expense of the plan participant?

Pay Check

Sometimes, tracking your income can be the hardest part of serving the retirement plan market

Buddy System

Retirement plan relationships are evolving from a casual give-and-take toward something more formal

Retirement Spending Patterns Vary

A recent study, "Spending and Investing in Retirement" by LIMRA and the Society of Actuaries offers insight into how people determine they are ready to retire and how...