
EBSA to Host Webcast about Form 5500

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) will host a free Webcast about Form 5500 and electronic filing requirements on January 21 at 1 p.m.

Sterling Financial Faces Company Stock Suit

A class-action lawsuit has been filed against Spokane, Washington-based Sterling Savings Bank and its holding company, Sterling Financial Corporation, over company stock investments in the bank's 401(k) Plan.

ERISA Class Actions Picked up in 2009

The nation’s economic downturn has prompted plaintiffs’ lawyers to increase the pace of filing of class action lawsuits to recover 401(k) plan losses under the Employee Retirement Income...

EFAST2 Ready for Online Form 5500 Filings

Plan sponsors can now take full advantage of a new federal government system for online filing of the required annual report to the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA)...

IRS Explains How to Fix 409A Document Woes

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released an in-depth primer on how taxpayers can voluntarily better comply with regulations governing documents for nonqualified deferred compensation plans.