
Fee Litigation Risks Still an Issue

The industry-wide focus on improving fee transparency and reasonability has not significantly reduced litigation risks for financial advisers and others acting as retirement plan fiduciaries, according to Dan...

ASPPA Director Warns of Tax Reform Dangers

Washington’s warning to slash tax-deferral incentives associated with 401(k)s and individual retirement accounts (IRAs) tops advisers’ challenges in 2014, according to Brian Graff, executive director of the American...

FINRA Tries Putting a Collar on Conflict

A report from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) scrutinizes  conflicts of interest in the broker/dealer industry to highlight effective practices to eradicate such conflicts.

SEC Strategy Targets Minor Offenders, Too

Admitting that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has resources “not nearly sufficient to the enormity and scope of the responsibility” it faces, SEC Chairman Mary Jo White...

Relax the Rules to Help Small Plans

Relaxing rules and increasing coverage for part-time workers would improve retirement savings for employees of small employers, hearing witnesses told a House committee.

PANC 2013: Fiduciary Fitness

“While we as advisers understand a lot of pieces of the puzzle, the plan sponsor doesn’t,” Keith Gredys, CEO and president of Kidder Benefits Consultants Inc., told attendees...

PANC 2013: Fee Disclosures

Fee disclosure is not something to fear but “an opportunity to differentiate yourself as a retirement-focused practice,” said Vincent Morris, president of Bukaty Companies Retirement Plan Services, at...

A Conversation with the DOL

Assistant Secretary of Labor Phyllis Borzi, with the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) Employee Benefit Security Administration (EBSA), said it has been engaged in a very vigorous focus on...

Would Income Projections Show a Better Way?

The Department of Labor (DOL) wants to know whether its proposal to show lifetime income projections on retirement plan participant statements is a solution to having inadequate income...

PANC 2013: Staying Out of Trouble

The type of adviser you are—fiduciary or nonfiduciary—dictates your business model, said Brad Campbell, counsel in Drinker Biddle & Reath’s Washington, D.C., office and speaker at the PLANADVISER...

PANC 2013: Tax and Benefit Reform

Never has the industry seen such potential for change, Marcia Wagner, president of The Wagner Law Group, told attendees at the PLANADVISER National Conference in Orlando, Florida.