MasteryPOINT Releases Investment Review Product

MasteryPOINT unveiled Plan Investment Plus (PIP), an online service it said will help advisers work with plan sponsors in meeting their obligation to review plan investments.

A news release said PIP will allow users to:

  • identify standards and criteria on a plan-by-plan basis to determine whether existing investments remain appropriate;
  • create investment policy statements reflecting the standards and criteria selected;
  • prepare full-color monthly or quarterly monitoring reports, including performance information, for plan sponsors; and
  • produce investment committee meeting agendas and minutes for use by investment committees.

“Meeting the fiduciary responsibility for monitoring plan investments is a major concern for both plan sponsors and their advisers,” said Todd Bloomfield, MasteryPOINT’s president, in the news release. “PIP provides a tool that helps them satisfy that obligation. Like our guidance and advice applications, our monitoring service affords broad functionality at a very attractive price.”

More information is available at 800.525.4237 or

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