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MassMutual Launches Fund with Multi-Asset Strategy
The fund features portfolio management by MassMutual affiliate Baring International Investment Limited. MassMutual believes this fund can improve retirement plan line-ups and is making it available to the company’s Retirement Services clients and their advisers.
The fund relies on Barings’ dynamic multi-asset strategy, which has been in operation since 2002, to combine investment types from across the risk/return spectrum into a portfolio that pursues the fund’s objective of positive total real return. The portfolio includes a variety of asset types, including stock and bond investments from developed and emerging economies as well as real estate, commodities, and other investment vehicles.
“Markets may deliver returns unevenly through the business cycle, so a multi-asset approach can be effective in helping balance risk and return for investors, with reduced volatility, through a combination of strategic and tactical asset allocation,” says Mike Eldredge, vice president, Investment Management, MassMutual’s Retirement Services Division.
In managing the fund, Barings portfolio managers are not tied to one asset class or sector. This flexible, multi-asset approach allows managers to tactically increase exposure to investments with higher growth potential when they anticipate growth markets and hold more defensive alternatives when they anticipate weaker markets.
Retirement plan participants may access a prospectus and summary prospectus on MassMutual’s participant website, www.retiresmart.com. These documents are also available to the public via www.massmutual.com/funds.