MassMutual Enhances RetireSmart Website

MassMutual’s retirement services division launched an enhanced participant website designed to make it easier for employees to prepare for retirement.

The new RetireSmart site boasts more intuitive navigation and a new design that offers all educational content and planning tools in a streamlined, interactive format accessible both pre- and post-login. The site’s homepage organizes educational and account-level content into four sections, as follows:

  • My Account / Homepage – Provides account access and now makes it easier for MassMutual participants to access personalized calculators and key investment information.
  • Where Should I Be?  Allows participants to arrange and access content most applicable to their life stage or needs to help determine where they should be on the road toward reaching their retirement goals.
  • Calculators – Offers MassMutual’s suite of online tools and calculators to help participants model their progress and generate insights on how to meet and exceed retirement savings goals. The tools are categorized by most popular and major life categories.
  • What’s New? – Features a collection of the latest and most popular resources available to help participants read, watch and explore their way to a more secure financial future. Participants can stay current with the latest RetireSmart online webinars, watch the SmartView video series, and consult calendars and checklists.

The new design is carried throughout the site and print, email and social sharing options are available on specific pages.

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Elaine Sarsynski, executive vice president of MassMutual’s retirement services division and chairman of MassMutual International LLC, says the enhancements to provide plan participants with a more relevant online experience. She says MassMutual hopes the tools and services provided through the website will help strengthen workers’ retirement readiness and general financial wellness.

commercial overview of the enhancements is publicly accessible. For more information about MassMutual’s retirement services division, please contact your financial professional or call MassMutual at 1-800-874-2502, option 4.

Lincoln Launches Managed Risk Fund for DC Plans

Lincoln Financial Group has launched its Presidential Managed Risk Moderate Fund.

“Many plans offer target-date funds that maintain their equity exposures, regardless of market conditions,” says Daniel Hayes, vice president and head of Funds Management at Lincoln Financial Group in Radnor, Pennsylvania. “The Presidential Managed Risk Moderate Fund can enhance a plan’s investment lineup by giving risk adverse participants an alternative. It provides these participants with broad exposure to financial markets and upside potential without having to bear the full brunt of market dips.”

The fund is an asset allocation/balanced fund constructed from diversified exchange-traded funds (ETFs), including Vanguard, State Street and iShares. A risk management overlay seeks to protect investors during volatile markets and reduce the impact on their account values. Lincoln Financial also offers a series of Presidential target-date funds (TDFs), which utilize the same risk management overlay.

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Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation and its affiliates, which had assets under management of $207 billion as of December 31, 2013. More information is available here.
