Magazine Articles


Key Partners

Highlighting the 2015 PLANADVISER Retirement Plan Adviser Survey
Editor’s Letter

Methods of Messaging

Even with automatic enrollment, you still need to engage participants.
talking points

Talking Points

Tired of giving the same old presentations? Use these nuggets of information to spruce them up.


A look at the latest concerns and actions among employees, and what they mean for advisers.

A Family Affair

The dynamics of working with a parent and child serving retirement plans
servicing strategies

Correct Size

Creating an RFP that addresses each sponsor’s individual needs


Annuities Seen as the Better ChoiceAn analysis of systematic withdrawals vs. annuities Art by Michela ButtignolAn academic analysis by Mark Warshawsky, a visiting scholar at the Mercatus Center at...
practice management

The Right Measure

The various types of fees advisers charge plan sponsors
Data Points

TDF Assets Soar 176%

Between 2009 and 2014, TDF assets have risen from $251.9 billion to $747.5 billion