Lion Street Names Lefferts President

John Lefferts joined Lion Street’s management team as president of Lion Street Financial and Lion Street Advisors.


Lion Street Financial and Lion Street Advisors are the firm’s newly formed subsidiaries for broker/dealer and registered investment advisory services.

Bob Carter, founder and chief executive of Lion Street, said the firm saw an opening in the high-net-worth market for an adviser-owned model that cuts across the silos of investments, insurance and advice. “John Lefferts has been working with us over the past year to develop this differentiated model,” Carter said, “I’m pleased to have his experience and leadership on the Lion Street team.”

Lefferts has been consulting with private equity and financial services firms since 2009, when he left his 27-year career with AXA-Equitable, where he served as president and CEO of AXA Advisors.

Austin Ventures, Lion Street’s venture capital partner, is providing additional capital to launch the subsidiaries. Lion Street Financial and Lion Street Advisors are expected to be fully operational in the second quarter of 2013. 

Lion Street Inc. is a privately held financial services distribution company in Austin, Texas.
