Advice Is Value Added
The role of financial planning is becoming more important in client relationships
Affluent Most in Demand for Retirement Income Services
Advisers should use a "holistic" approach to tap the lucrative market of...
Ancillary Business
Two conferences to help broaden your business
micro scope
micro scope
Best of Both Worlds
Once the province of large plans, "hybrid" cash balance now makes sense...
Business Travel Budgets Tighten
Many businesses are changing travel policies because of higher prices and a down economy, and they are taking steps such as staying at cheaper hotels, according to a...
Economic Slowdown Puts Asset Allocation out of Whack
The credit crunch has polarized investment allocations, setting records in Merrill Lynch's Survey of Fund Managers for July.
dean's list
Gold Mettle
By the time you read this column, the Olympics will likely be a distant memory, but already there have been exciting finishes and new world records.
Middle-Class Retirees Must Modify Living Standards
Retirees will outlive retirement savings if they continue at the same rate of spending
Mutual Funds, Watch Your Backs
While the demand for mutual funds remains strong, other solutions are gaining ground
Providers Unsuccessful at Retaining DC Plan Assets
Due to insufficient focus on retention, the inability to reach the plan participant at the appropriate time, and failure to build a relationship with the participant prior to...
talking points
Talking Points
Tired of giving the same old presentations? Use these nuggets of information to spruce them up.
retirement income
The Inside Story
It's up to advisers to help sponsors and participants understand in-plan 'guaranteed' income products
Women Could Face More Savings Shortfalls than Men
Recent research from Hewitt Associates says both women and men are on track to replace 85% of pay at retirement, assuming average life expectancy; however, women need to...