House Speaker Ryan Weighs in on Advice Rule

The Republican party is still attempting to shoot down the fiduciary rule—almost certainly in vain.

Speaker of the House and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan calls the fiduciary rule “Obamacare for financial planning … the new, disastrous fiduciary rule.” 

While agreeing it is a good idea for people to have access to sound advice in the workplace, delivered in their best interests with disclosures for any conflicts of interest, Ryan says the forthcoming rule is “an example of massive overkill by the federal government.” It should be noted that Republicans in Congress, now led by Ryan, have so far failed in all their attempts to slow or alter the rulemaking. Given that President Obama is aiming to have the rule fully implemented by the close of his presidency, and would clearly veto any anti-fiduciary rule reaching his desk without a super majority, it is very hard to see how they could stall the rulemaking in coming months. 

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Still, Ryan contends the rule will require an “enormous” amount of paper and make recordkeeping more expensive. Jobs will killed, he says, and people will be unable to get needed advice.

Last month, Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Georgia) proposed legislation to amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act definitions of and exemptions for investment advice. 

Republicans are also claiming that requests for data collection from the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) are ill-timed, and indicate the DOL does not know enough about how people make retirement decisions.  

Ryan’s commentary is on his website. 

Senate Bill Aims to Amend ERISA

Senator Johnny Isakson has introduced legislation designed to foil the fiduciary rule and amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act.

The Affordable Retirement Advice Protection Act (HR 4293) introduced by Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Georgia) takes aim at the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) fiduciary proposal. Now at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the DOL rule is expected to be finalized in the first half of this month.  

Isakson, chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety, contends the fiduciary rule would limit workers’ access to low-cost financial education and guidance services with “dire consequences for retirement savers, particularly low- and middle-income families.”

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According to statements on Isakson’s website, the legislation would raise the investment advice standards outlined in ERISA by adding language to sections 3(21) and 408(b) for the definitions of investment advice and for exemptions relating to the giving of investment advice. Isakson’s site says the amendments would strengthen protections for retirement savers, and require prior approval by Congress of any investment advice rule proposed by the Obama administration.

The proposed legislation describes the fiduciary rule as “costly and cumbersome regulations” that would limit investment advice for lower-income families.

The text of the bill is here.
