Heightened Scrutiny Won’t Slow IRA Rollovers

Cerulli predicts IRA assets will continue to grow strongly through 2020.

Total individual retirement account (IRA) assets are expected to reach $11.7 trillion by 2020, according to a report from Cerulli Associates, despite the prospect for heightened scrutiny from multiple regulators.

Shaan Duggal, research analyst with Cerulli, says the firm expects the pace of IRA asset growth to remain steady through the end of the decade. “Even with heightened FINRA rollover scrutiny, individuals, especially Baby Boomers, will continue to roll over their defined contribution (DC) assets,” Duggal notes.

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Cerulli says there may also be pressure applied to rollover providers coming out of fiduciary rulemaking efforts at the Department of Labor (DOL) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Along with FINRA, the regulators are concerned about potential conflicts of interest impacting service providers in the IRA market.

Duggal notes that an important question will be how ongoing rulemaking impacts account consolidation decisions. Many of the Baby Boomers hitting retirement have multiple DC accounts, and are facing the challenging prospect of building a sustainable retirement income stream. Cerulli recommends plan advisers and recordkeepers use “the many DC participant data points they have on file” to send targeted communications to build stronger relationships with participants. This will lead to more knowledge and confidence in the IRA rollover and/or account consolidation process.

“Creating a positive relationship early and building on it as the individual progresses towards retirement is the ideal situation for many providers,” Duggal continues. “Personalized communication during opportune life moments will help ensure customer loyalty when an individual eventually decides to roll over their account.”

This approach could become even more important in the years ahead should fiduciary rules be strengthened to include more types of rollover and investment recommendations. Especially with the DOL’s fiduciary reform, many anticipate providers will be less able to offer non-fiduciary guidance to participants contemplating a rollover.

 NEXT: Leakage and rollovers

Cerulli finds a greater number of Millennials are contributing to Roth 401(k)s, “which will become a sizable rollover opportunity in time.”

At the same time, cash-outs and loan defaults were responsible for $81 billion in lost retirement assets in 2014. “With better, retirement-related options available for participants who take these actions, recordkeepers should continue focusing on limiting these outflows,” Cerulli urges. “Participants over age 50 represented almost 80% of assets that rolled over in 2014, reaffirming the importance of winning assets from these investors.”

Like other research groups, Cerulli finds interest is building around the idea of auto-portability.

“The current retirement income marketplace consists of fragmented solutions,” the report explains. “Therefore, firms should understand that income replacement is a process and that a singular product should work alongside other products and solutions to create the best outcome.”

Not surprisingly, Cerulli says flexibility is important for retirement income solutions.

“At both the retirement plan level and the product level, providing flexibility allows investors to better deal with unexpected expenses that may arise as they get older,” the report finds.

Another hurdle to greater rollover activity is that savers are still interested in overall performance metrics and account balances, Cerulli says, “significantly more so than any projections of retirement income.”

“Until this mindset changes, many participants will continue to mismanage their defined contribution accounts,” the report concludes.

NEXT: Sizing the opportunity 

Cerulli’s report finds advisers received the majority of rollover assets last year, followed closely by self-directed IRAs. Plan-to-plan rollovers were a distant third.

According to Cerulli, the DOL’s fiduciary rule may start to quell long-term outflows from DC plans, “especially since the DOL viewpoint is that the DC plan is often the best place to leave assets.” However, Cerulli feels that, until in-plan retirement income options become more widespread, retiring participants will still opt to roll over their accounts to an IRA.

Concluding the report, Cerulli finds a majority of firms surveyed recently have either launched a retirement income product or are enhancing an existing product.

“Firms focusing on retirement income solutions are concentrating their efforts on creating new products, such as annuities or mutual funds, as well as creating new, more intuitive retirement income tools,” Cerulli says.

More information on obtaining Cerulli Associates reports is here.

Investment Manager Held Liable for Not Diversifying Plan Assets

Fiduciaries should do everything possible to overcome perceived impediments to diversifying retirement plan assets, a judge found.

A federal district court has determined that an investment management firm and its only executive officer are liable for losses suffered by defined contribution (DC) plans as a result of non-diversification. 

The court ordered the investment manager to pay the plans $9,710,438, including disgorgement of the $110,438 paid in investment management fees during the period, plus $5,305,889.74 as prejudgment interest. 

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U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York found that the retirement plans’ investment committee did all it could do to try to get WPN Corporation and Ronald LaBow, WPN’s principal and sole executive officer, to diversify the portfolio of the trust that held the plans’ assets. According to the court opinion, the committee testified that LaBow’s account of whether and how the plans could be diversified was “an ever evolving story of what could or could not be done” that “seemed to change just about during every conversation.” 

She also found that governing documents did not give LaBow and WPN the option of abdicating responsibility to the retirement plans’ committee. 

LaBow argued that he met with several impediments to diversifying the plans’ assets, including that not all assets the committee wanted were available, that he was not given an investment policy to guide him and that the custodian of the trust did not recognize his authority to direct investments. Swain was persuaded by testimony of several experts to reject these arguments. 

NEXT: LaBow should have resigned

Swain found credible the testimony of a fiduciary expert witness that a prudent fiduciary would have raised clearly with the other named fiduciaries any impediments arising from a perceived lack of authority that a custodian of DC plan assets of Severstal Wheeling Inc. (SWI) and its predecessors, the Wheeling Corrugating Company Retirement Security Plan and the Salaried Employees Pension Plan had asserted.

Swain agreed with the witness that even if LaBow’s authority was not recognized by a bank or other service provider, an investment adviser would normally test authority and, if a trustee failed to recognize that authority, the adviser would go back to the plan sponsor and say, “I’m responsible to achieve diversification. You’re not letting me do it for these reasons. Now, either you want me to achieve diversification, which is my responsibility, or you don’t. If you do, then do the necessary. If you don’t, find someone else.”

Regarding the lack of investment policy, the court found that the Severstal Retirement Committee had adopted a policy that was pre-existing with its former affiliate WHX, and had implicitly communicated this to LaBow. In addition, Swain agreed with testimony that diversified portfolios can be constructed in the absence of formal investment policies, and that investment managers themselves often provide investment policies if the plans they manage do not have one.

According to the court opinion, “LaBow should have, at minimum, presented a plan for diversification … communicated a process for accomplishing that diversification and, if the Severstal Retirement Committee failed to follow his advice, he should have communicated clearly that it was unacceptable to do nothing to diversify the plans’ assets and, if necessary, resigned.”

The court opinion also noted there were several diversification strategies LaBow could have used despite the perceived investment limitations and lack of investment policy.

NEXT: The case


The litigation arises from the transfer of certain employee benefit plan assets from a pooled employee benefit plan trust maintained by SWI’s former affiliate WHX (the Combined Trust) to a separate trust for the three SWI-sponsored plans. The terms of the WHX’s Trust Agreement with Citibank required Citibank, as Trust Custodian, to follow the directions of a designated Investment Manager—WPN and LaBow.

In 2008, Citibank informed the Combined Trust fiduciaries that it intended to withdraw as trustee of the Combined Trust and that the assets of the Severstal Plans had to be transferred to a new and separate trust and placed with a new trustee.

WHX and Severstal had reached an agreement as of September 30, 2008, that the Severstal Plans would receive a proportional allocation of the Combined Trust portfolio. However, LaBow discovered that it was not possible for the new Severstal Trust to receive a “slice” of each Combined Trust investment account because some investment vehicles had liquidity restrictions, which he surmised would have hampered the ability of the Severstal Trust to pay benefits. LaBow also asserted at trial that other Combined Trust investments could not be transferred to the Severstal Trust because they had minimum capital requirements that the Severstal Trust could not meet. WPN and LaBow advised the Severstal Retirement Committee and WHX Pension Investment Committee that the Combined Trust should transfer assets that had no minimum capital requirements and that could be liquidated right away.

LaBow advised WHX to transfer the entire contents of the Neuberger Berman Account—an undiversified portfolio principally comprised of large-cap energy stocks—to the new Severstal Trust on November 3, 2008, instead of cash or a diversified group of investments. Citibank made the transfer at WHX’s direction.

According to the court opinion, LaBow did not put a plan of management in place for the transferred assets, did not liquidate or reinvest those assets, and did not inform the Severstal Retirement Committee of the need for immediate attention to the management of those assets.

The assets of the Severstal Trust, concentrated in eleven energy-sector stocks until defendants liquidated those stocks on March 24, 2009, were undiversified as of the November 3, 2008, transfer and remained undiversified until July 16, 2009, when the retirement committee hired Mercer as investment adviser after firing WPN and LaBow.

In 2014, the Department of Labor filed suit on behalf of participants in the plan.
