ftwilliam.com Unwraps DC EGTRRA Prototypes

ftwilliam.com, a provider of plan documents and government forms software, has released their defined contribution EGTRRA prototype plan documents.

Defined contribution Volume Submitter EGTRRA documents in the individually designed format are scheduled to be released in July .

New Document Options

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According to a release, ftwilliam.com has made several improvements to its software for EGTRRA. The firm now offers new document options that include cross testing with one participant per group, bottom-up QNECs, enhanced vesting options for safe harbor plans, finer control over document options, as well as other options. The Milwaukee-based company has also added more fill-in-the-blank, catch-all questions wherever possible and one basic plan document for all prototype-style plans.

Several new forms have also been added to the software including an Annual Notice form that provides for Traditional Safe Harbor Notices (including contingent notices), Traditional Automatic Enrollment Notices, Qualified Automatic Contribution Arrangements (QACA), Automatic Contribution Arrangements (EACA), and Qualified Default Investment Alternatives (QDIA) all in one notice. In addition, all of the defined contribution plan forms and summary plan descriptions have been updated for the Pension Protection Act (PPA). An EACA Refund Request, Safe Harbor Follow-up Notice with a consent resolution and Roth Certification forms have also been added.

Enhanced Group Processing

To make the restatement process easier, ftwilliam.com said it has enhanced its Group Printing feature and provides a batch print option for EGTRRA restatements and the new annual notices. According to the release, the company’s software gives customers the ability to select specific forms to generate at once in a single MS Word file, called Group Printing. The Group Print feature has been added to the documents so that customers may generate one MS Word file with their document, SPD, consent and other desired documents.

ftwilliam.com currently offers a batch amendment feature. That same feature has been added for EGTRRA plan restatements and the annual notice described above. According to the release, their customers may now batch generate all of their EGTRRA restatements and corresponding forms and documents in one single file or generate a zip folder with each client in a single file. The Batch feature provides for batch printing of cover letters and changes to the documents. The Batch Printing features are available to the company’s clients who subscribe to the Retirement Annual Subscription.

EGTRRA Restatement Webinars

Additionally, the company has already started offering EGTRRA restatement webinars free of charge to anyone interested in learning more about EGTRRA restatements and software improvements—and will offer two webinars per month depending on demand. Tim McCutcheon, President and one of the company’s ERISA attorneys, will be hosting all webinars and addressing questions.
