FPA Members Offered Opportunity to Help Investors During Coronavirus Crisis

Financial Planning Association (FPA) members interested in volunteering can contact FPA’s pro bono director.

As evidenced in PLANADVISER’s Advisers Giving Back series, financial professionals are a philanthropist group.

The Financial Planning Association (FPA), a membership association for Certified Financial Planner (CFP) professionals, has announced another way advisers can give back during this time of crisis related to the coronavirus pandemic. It has recruited members to provide free, no-strings-attached financial guidance to Americans who typically don’t have access to financial planning services.

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“Since the turn of the century, FPA and its partners have been committed to connecting thousands of Americans to our members who provide pro bono financial planning advice,” says FPA executive director and CEO Lauren M. Schadle, CAE. “As many underserved individuals and families are experiencing economic hardship due to the coronavirus outbreak, I’m pleased FPA is able to ramp up pro bono financial planning efforts to serve those most in need through the dedication and passion of our outstanding members. In these unprecedented times, FPA aims to help vulnerable populations gain hope and stability and come out stronger than before.”

Members who wish to offer pro bono services will be added to the service on an ongoing basis. To be eligible to provide pro bono financial planning services through FPA programs, FPA members must be an FPA member in good standing, complete FPA’s Pro Bono Financial Planning Training Course, sign a pro bono letter of engagement that states he/she will take responsibility for services provided in the engagement and be a CFP professional. FPA members interested in volunteering can contact FPA Pro Bono Director Kurt Kaczor at KKaczor@onefpa.org.

Underserved individuals and families that need free, no-strings-attached financial guidance can visit www.OneFPA.org/ProBonoPlanning to see a list of  professional members of FPA who are making themselves available to help.
