Fidelity Accused of Adviser Registration Issues

A complaint filed by state securities regulators in Massachusetts accuses Fidelity of allowing unregistered individuals to utilize its platforms and perform inappropriate functions.

Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth Matthew Francis Galvin says his office is commencing an adjudicatory proceeding against Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, under the authority of the Registration, Inspections, Compliance and Examinations (RICE) Section of the Massachusetts Securities Division of the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

According to a complaint filed by Secretary Galvin, Fidelity is accused of acting in “a dishonest and unethical manner” in breaching its “obligation to observe high standards of commercial honor and just and equitable principles of trade in the conduct of its business.” Specifically, Fidelity is accused of “knowingly allowing unregistered investment advisers to utilize Fidelity’s trading platform to conduct unregistered activity in Fidelity customer accounts, including the accounts of Massachusetts residents, and facilitating the transfer of funds from Fidelity customer accounts to compensate unregistered investment advisers for providing investment advisory services.”

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Fidelity is thus accused of violating parts of Chapter 11 of the Massachusetts Uniform Securities Act, Galvin notes.

The RICE Section seeks an order “finding as fact” the allegations it sets out, censuring Fidelity and requiring the firm “to permanently cease and desist from further dishonest and unethical conduct that allowed unregistered investment advisers to utilize the Fidelity trading platform to conduct unregistered investment advisory activity in the Commonwealth and to be compensated from Fidelity customer accounts for providing unregistered investment advisory services.”

The state regulator is also seeking to levy fines against Fidelity for specific breaches, and for Fidelity to be required “to engage an independent compliance consultant to review written policies and procedures regarding trading authorizations and ensuring that such policies include methods for enforcement and compliance oversight.”

According to the Massachusetts Secretary, “for at least 10 years, Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, as registered broker/dealer, has knowingly allowed its retail customers to be advised by least 13 unregistered Massachusetts investment advisers, serving as a haven from regulatory oversight by ignoring blatant unregistered investment advisory activity.”

NEXT: Potentially problematic practices 

As such, the regulator accuses Fidelity of breaching its duty to act honestly and ethically and breaching its obligations “to observe high standards of commercial honor and just and equitable principles of trade in the conduct of its business … But for Fidelity allowing their trading platform to be utilized, the unregistered investment advisers would have had no business. By allowing unregistered advisory activity, Fidelity put its own retail customers at risk and undeniably weakened the protections afforded to those retail customers through the Division's oversight of investment advisers who register with the Commonwealth.”

A play-by-play of the allegations is available in the text of the complaint, but at a high level Fidelity is accused of allowing unregistered individuals to use the Fidelity brokerage system to operate trading and advisory businesses that were not properly licensed or adhering to required registration practices.

For example, one individual, referred to as “Unregistered IA 1,” apparently commenced advisory activity “around January 2005, when two individuals submitted trading authorization forms to Fidelity allowing Unregistered IA 1 unlimited trading ability on their Fidelity customer accounts. Over approximately the next 10 years, the trading authorizations submitted by 20 additional Fidelity customers repeatedly indicated Unregistered IA 1's relationship to the Fidelity customer as the customer's ‘financial adviser,’ listing Unregistered IA 1's employment as ‘self-employed’ and his occupation as ‘financial adviser.’ Those forms, which were unambiguous and also permitted Fidelity to conduct background checks on Unregistered IA 1, were ignored by Fidelity as Unregistered IA 1 conducted his openly unregistered advisory activity.”

The state regulator says Unregistered IA 1's unregistered activity “was so blatant that on three separate occasions, twice in 2006 and once in 2014, Fidelity instructed him to register.”

“Despite its demonstrated knowledge of unregistered activity, Fidelity continued to allow Unregistered IA 1 to advise Fidelity customer accounts,” the complaint says. “Over the approximate 10-year timeframe, seven Fidelity customers serviced by Unregistered IA 1 paid Unregistered IA 1 a total of $732,271.83 in advisory fees from their Fidelity customer accounts. The majority of these disbursements noted that the payment to Unregistered IA 1 was for advisory fees.”

Fidelity shared the following comment with PLANADVISER: "We can assure you that we take very seriously the trust investors place with us and out obligation to manage our business in accordance with all relevant laws and financial industry regulation. We do not believe that Fidelity has violated any laws or regulations in connection with this matter. We look forward to reviewing the details of this matter and addressing them appropriately."

Millennials Could Face Late Retirement

Grads of 2015 need to brace for more working years than previous generations.

The class of 2015 faces a retirement age as late as 75—two years later than what the Class of 2013 could expect—because of increasing student loan debt, rising rents and Millennials’ approach to money management, according to analysis by NerdWallet.

Compared with the current average retirement age of 62, that’s an extra 13 years spent working for today’s college graduates. And, with an average life expectancy of 84, they’ll spend only nine years in retirement.

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Two major factors are dragging on the ability of Millennials to save early on, which will force them to work longer. The first is increasing student loan debt, which now averages $35,051, up more than $5,500 from 2012, when it was $29,400. This translates into larger monthly student loan payments, diverting money that could otherwise go into retirement accounts. The difference in monthly payment is more than $60 ($353 today versus $289 in 2012).

“The student loan crisis is not only affecting new graduates’ immediate financial situation, it’s making their retirement prospects dwindle,” says Kyle Ramsay, investing manager at NerdWallet. “Based on our findings, higher loan payments have the potential to reduce nest eggs by 32%. That’s nearly $700,000 in this scenario.”

Ramsay cites the powerful force of compound interest as an element in building a nest egg. A 23-year-old who invests $10,000 at a 6% return could see a sum that is twice that amount by the time he is 35 years old and 20 times that by the time he is 75, he says.

“Graduates are being forced to shell out more money,” says Ramsay, and that means less going into savings. “This puts them in a tough position because not only are they unable to save early, but they’re losing out on earning interest on those savings.” A delay in homeownership is also slowing Millennials’ ability to build assets, with buyers now purchasing a first home at the median age of 33.

NEXT: A misguided preference for cash.

When Millennials do find the money to save, they’re all too likely to keep their money on the sidelines. According to research from State Street, Millennials have an average of 40% of their saved money in cash, such as checking and savings accounts, and term deposits such as CDs. Missing out on investment returns—even the semi-conservative 6% annual return used in NerdWallet’s analysis—for that portion of their portfolio could cost more than $300,000 (22% of the retirement savings they could have built with a better investment mix).

Millennials frequently report a distrust of investing and stocks, in part because they’ve lived through so much market turbulence, says Daniel Sheehan, a certified financial planner on NerdWallet’s Ask an Advisor platform. “On top of that, many have college loan debt and want to be sure they have funds to make the payments due each month while leading a life that they desire now,” Sheehan says.

But, the study emphasizes, Millennials do have one huge advantage: Time. Millennials have four to five decades to allow their money to grow with compound interest before they retire. To use that time wisely, they need to increase their savings rate from the median 6% where it now sits.

A 23-year-old who begins saving 10% today can shave five years off retirement age, amassing enough to leave work at 70. Saving 4% more per year amounts to $2,000 on a $50,000 salary; that’s about $165 a month. If a 23-year-old can save 15%, it will pay off with a 10-year difference, bringing retirement age down to 65. Someone who hits it out of the park and saves 20% or more could retire as early as age 62, today’s average retirement age.

Some quick facts on young graduates:

  • Average student loan debt: $35,051
  • Student loan repayment plan: 10 years
  • Average yearly loan payment: $4,239

NerdWallet’s research is based on a 23-year-old new graduate earning the current median starting salary of $45,478 with $35,051 in student loan debt.

A link to NerdWallet’s calculations is on their website.
