Nudging Participants to Rebalance Portfolios

For those plans where participants are left to make investment decisions on their own, experts agree, it is critically important for advisers to educate them about the proper diversification.

Art by Dalbert Vilarino

Retirement plan advisers may agree that pairing automatic enrollment with a target-date fund (TDF) as the default investment is the ideal way to ensure that participants’ assets are properly invested at the outset and continue to be so throughout the years. But the 2018 PLANSPONSOR Defined Contribution Benchmarking Report shows that less than half, 46.3%, of employers use automatic enrollment.

For those plans where participants are left to make investment decisions on their own, experts agree, it is critically important for advisers to educate them about the proper diversification.

“We have done studies on rebalancing and we have found that the first thing you have to get right is asset allocation because that drives 90% of returns,” says Mike Swann, client portfolio manager, defined contribution team at SEI Investments in Oaks, Pennsylvania.  “That is critically important and needs to be tied to your goal.”

This is why SEI strongly recommends target-date funds (TDFs) and automatic enrollment to the plans it serves, Swann says. To get participants to select an asset allocation that is right for their age and risk tolerance and to do periodic rebalancing to ensure the portfolio is tied to the participants’ original goals is nearly impossible, Swann says. He notes that the National Association of Retirement Plan Participants’ recent participant engagement study found that less than half of participants look at their retirement plan website or call into the call center.

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“Use participants’ inertia to their advantage by embracing automatic enrollment, auto escalation and TDFs,” Swann recommends. “TDFs automatically rebalance over years, and some even take participants through retirement. If an employer has a rich plan, custom TDFs are a great way to get there, and have become more cost-effective.”

For those plans without automatic enrollment and a TDF, balanced fund or managed account as the qualified default investment alternative (QDIA), it is incumbent on the adviser to help each participant determine what asset allocation is right for them, says Josh Sailar, a certified financial planner with Miracle Mile Advisors in Los Angeles. That doesn’t necessarily mean a 60/40 portfolio split between equities and fixed income, he says.

Rather, “it’s an individual decision that depends on how much you are saving overall, how much you are deferring into the plan, how long you have to save and when you are going to need the money,” Sailar says. Generally speaking, however, the longer the savings horizon, the greater the exposure to equities a participant should have, he adds. “For shorter periods of time, participants should dial back their equity exposure.”

Ken Catanella, managing director, wealth management at UBS in Philadelphia, agrees: “The need to set an asset allocation to meet one’s aging and, thus, becoming more risk-averse over time is at the core of a disciplined rebalancing and asset allocation program. Every client is different in seeking their financial goals. Considerations such as age, risk tolerance, financial status and time horizons all, together, make each individual’s situation very different.”

For these very reasons, Wintrust Wealth Management sits down with each participant to help him determine what should be his individual asset allocation, says Dan Peluse, director of retirement plan services at the practice, based in Chicago. “The allocation should be age- and risk-appropriate based on his goals,” Peluse says. “This is an individual discussion we have with participants, to review their individual circumstances.”

Once the proper asset allocations are determined, Miracle Mile Advisors educates participants about the need to periodically rebalance portfolios to rein them back into meeting initial goals, Sailar says. “Participants need to make sure the risk they want to take is actually the risk they are taking,” he says. “Certain asset classes can become over- or under-weight over time.”

Amr Hanafy, research associate at BCA Research in New York, says, “Rebalancing is definitely recommended for all investors, perhaps more so for retirement plan participants than others, as they are more likely to be concerned with capital preservation than capital appreciation.”

While a portfolio that is not rebalanced will have a greater allocation to equities during a bull market and, therefore, outperform a rebalanced portfolio, “all rebalanced portfolios outperformed an unbalanced portfolio during periods leading up to market corrections and recessions,” Hanafy says, citing a BCA Research study which looked at three main rebalancing scenarios of a simple 60/40 portfolio since 1973.

Rebalancing becomes even more critical once an investor reaches age 40 or 45, says Tina Wilson, head of investment solutions innovation at MassMutual in Enfield, Connecticut. “There are two main components to retirement plans: returns and the risk you take,” Wilson says. “By not rebalancing his portfolio, a participant could inadvertently take on too much risk, which would expose him to a market correction. This is important because, statistically, as participants reach age 40 to 45, how much risk they take on is far more important than how much they save. When you are young, the most important thing is how much you save.”

There are two main approaches a participant could take to rebalancing, Wilson says. One is time-based, and could be done on a quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis and be set up automatically through the recordkeeper. The second would be based on style drift, but because that would require participants to be proactive, Wilson views the former as preferable.

“For those participants who are engaged and working with an adviser, the percentage of portfolio methodology can be successful,” she says.

Advisers Can Help Solve the Economics of Aging

The existing retirement system was conceptualized at a time when there were just 15 to 20 people living in retirement for every 100 workers.

Art by Wenting Li

While modern medical advances and lifestyle changes allowing for healthier and longer lives are points to be celebrated, greater longevity is a cause for concern when it comes to retirement planning, says Ed Farrington, head of retirement at Natixis.

It’s not just the United States facing the longevity challenge. Developed nations around the globe are seeing their populations increase dramatically in average age. A 2018 Natixis report on the aging global workforce makes an example out of Japan, where 27% of people are currently over the age of 65. By 2050, the nation of Japan is expected to have 70 retirees per every 100 workers.

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“It can quickly become very difficult for unprepared countries to support the growing portion of their populations living in retirement,” Farrington explains. “We are talking about retirement systems that were built on the expectation of having somewhere between 15 and 20 people living in retirement for every 100 workers. Seventy retirees per 100 workers simply becomes unsustainable.”

Data from J.P. Morgan’s latest Guide to Retirement shows the U.S. workforce is on a path much like Japan’s. The analysis shows that, for a healthy couple retiring today at age 65, the probability of at least one of the two living to age 75 is 97%. The figure drops only to 90% when the age rises to 80 years, and to 50% for 90 years.

Farrington and others note that, aside from the challenge greater longevity poses to individuals’ savings, this also poses a threat to nationwide systems, including Social Security and Medicare. Katherine Roy, chief retirement strategist at J.P. Morgan, emphasizes the fact that Social Security and government benefits like Medicare were always intended as supplemental. Such programs go a long way to helping a lot of people, but individuals must understand that these programs will not provide sufficient income or insurance coverage alone.

Sri Reddy, senior vice president for retirement and income solutions at Principal, agrees with that assessment. He adds that Social Security will be around in some form once Millennials reach retirement, but policy adjustments must be enacted for the system to remain viable over the long-term.

“Social Security is a foundation, but there needs to be small fixes to keep the system healthy,” Reddy explains. “Changes could include increasing the retirement age to 70 years old, or making a greater portion of Social Security income taxable.”

For advisers themselves, the slow but steady aging of the workforce will presumably drive a greater need for their services, according to Reddy. To serve the aging population, advisers could be called on to have greater understanding of Social Security, Medicare and more.

“The task of helping individuals transition away from the workforce is not going to get any easier,” Roy agrees. “This is always a very complicated, anxious time for people, and it is an area where advisers and guidance can be very helpful for those people transitioning.”

From a market value perspective, Roy believes the equity markets won’t see a negative shift tied to the aging population, as the growing number of retirees will need to continue to make investments and their spending of reserved assets will help drive a strong economy. One macro risk to be concerned about, though, could be the rising cost of health care.

“We get a lot of questions about what will happen as the Baby Boomers leave the workforce,” Roy says. “The reality is, really nothing specific is going to happen. When you’re in retirement, you’re still going to need growth, you’re going to need a balanced portfolio. You’re going to need to stay invested in equities.”

One reason that retirees will need to continue investing in growth assets is that some couples may need to spend as much as $363,000 to cover health care expenses in retirement.

“This fact is driving so much interest among Baby Boomers in Medicare claiming strategies,” Roy says. “If you had told me that three or four years ago, I would have been very surprised, because Social Security has always been more of a focal point.”
