Coronavirus Hardship Withdrawals, Taxes and Your Retirement Plan Clients

Coronavirus-related withdrawals made in 2020 were a financial lifeline for some, but they could also turn into a major tax headache for others.

One of the most popular articles published last year by PLANADVISER Magazine—called “Warn Your Clients: Don’t Abuse Coronavirus Hardship Withdrawals”—went live in early June.

As readers likely recall, an important provision of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act established a window within which retirement plan participants negatively impacted by the pandemic could withdrawal up to $100,000 penalty-free from their tax-qualified accounts, with the options of either spreading the stated income over a three-year period for taxes or paying back the funds later to avoid taxation altogether. The June article noted how plan participants could simply self-certify that they had experienced a pandemic-related hardship that qualified them to take such a distribution—and how this could potentially generate fiduciary risk for plan sponsors and even the possibility of tax fraud being committed on the part of unwitting or dishonest participants.

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Robert Lawton, president of Lawton Retirement Plan Consultants, was among the experts cited in the article. Speaking again with PLANADIVSER this week, he did not seem surprised to learn about the success of the article, given how many questions and comments he continues to hear from his clients about coronavirus-related distributions, or “CRDs.”

PLANADVISER: You voiced some concern last year when the CRD framework was first set up that plan sponsors might have felt compelled to allow such distributions from their plans, even in cases where they felt their plan population was not suffering severe financial consequences that would justify taking money out of the retirement plan. Did this happen very often, in your experience?

Lawton: I was surprised at how this played out with my clients. Most of the plan sponsors that I work with from smaller companies chose not to adopt the more liberal rules on withdrawals, while all those from larger companies, with thousands of employees, did so.

In all cases, I had conversations with them about the potential benefits and negative consequences. No one really knew for sure what the future would be like immediately after the CARES Act was passed, so many clients chose to be safe and adopt the more liberal withdrawal provisions right away. Others, realizing that they could adopt CARES Act provisions at a future date if the situation warranted, chose to wait. 

As it turned out, there were many businesses and industries that were not impacted at all by what happened in 2020. In fact, some of my clients have reported that 2020 was their best year ever. Other businesses and industries got hit pretty hard, of course. Those businesses that were hard hit, where you may have thought withdrawals may be the highest, turned out to have very few. The main reason was that these companies ended up laying people off, making them eligible to take total distributions of their 401(k) accounts, rather than withdrawals. 

PLANADVISER: What do you make of the overall volume of withdrawal activity that we ended up seeing in 2020 and early 2021? In the end, the volume wasn’t as bad as some feared, but there has certainly been some damage done to retirement security, no?  

Lawton: My larger clients, all of whom implemented the more liberal withdrawal policies, were split in terms of volume. Some saw very little change in the amount of withdrawals taken, while others experienced an extraordinary amount of withdrawals—up to 10 times pre-COVID-19 levels.  

As it turned out, 2020 was a bad year to withdraw money from any investment. U.S. and overseas stock markets were up strongly during the year, which meant that those who withdrew funds early on missed out on a lot of earnings.

In my view, it is not likely that anyone will pay the amounts they withdrew back. That money has probably been spent. So those who have taken withdrawals suffered a double hit in 2020. They permanently withdrew some (or all) of their retirement balance and missed out on earning some very good returns on those balances. 

PLANADVISER: Have you seen any evidence that plan participants who took CRDs are putting serious thought into how this might impact their taxes in 2021 or subsequent years?

Lawton: No, none. I am afraid there will be quite a few people who have negative surprises when they complete their tax returns. For the average person, at first blush, the tax treatment of these withdrawals can seem very favorable. There is no 10% penalty tax and no 20% withholding requirement, and the tax liability can be spread over three years. And, again, there is the option pay back what you withdrew and get a refund of taxes paid.  

So, if participants had a conversation with a tax expert before they took a withdrawal, they could have received the impression that taxes weren’t anything to worry about. This may have implied, to many people, that they wouldn’t have to pay any taxes on these withdrawals, which is not true.

PLANADVISER: Have you seen any indication that plan sponsors and/or recordkeepers are creating the infrastructure that will allow people to pay CRD funds back into their qualified accounts, allowing them to avoid the income taxation?

Lawton: Nope. I don’t think anyone believes that most people will be paying these withdrawals back.

PLANADVISER: You mentioned last year that participants who attempt to avoid bankruptcy by taking COVID-19 withdrawals and end up declaring bankruptcy anyway did not have to lose their retirement money. Can you explain again what you meant, i.e., that funds held in qualified retirement plans are not subject to bankruptcy proceedings? Should this be a part of plan sponsors’ or advisers’ messaging to participants as the pandemic drags on?

Lawton: This is an important point for all retirement plan participants to keep in mind. If you have money in a qualified retirement plan—such as a 401(k) plan—and you feel you may end up declaring bankruptcy, please don’t take a withdrawal from your plan to pay off debts in an attempt to avoid bankruptcy.  

Bill collectors may be encouraging you to do this; however, your qualified retirement plan assets are not subject to attachment by creditors in a bankruptcy proceeding. In other words, your 401(k) balance cannot be taken away from you if you declare bankruptcy.

It would be great if all plan sponsors would discuss this point during their employee education sessions. I think it is also important that every employee who requests a hardship withdrawal receive an automatic referral to the company’s EAP, or employee assistance program, for financial counseling. Counseling should be completed prior to the withdrawal being approved and processed.

Many employees lose everything in a bankruptcy because they aren’t aware of the protections they are afforded. Getting them financial counseling as early as possible helps them not only get back on their feet quicker, but it can help preserve their self-esteem. Application for a hardship withdrawal is one of the early warning indicators of financial trouble.

PLANADVISER: What are your broad thoughts about how the industry has navigated the COVID-19 pandemic? Have sponsors and participants gotten the advice and guidance they need? Where have some of the pain points been, in your view, and what has gone well?

Lawton: I think the federal government responded admirably to the COVID-19 crisis by providing flexibility to employees with regard to their retirement plan balances in a very timely way. This is unusual in that the federal government can be a stumbling block.

I have observed plan sponsors responding appropriately for their corporate culture in taking advantage of the CARES Act provisions that work best in their environments. I haven’t seen employers struggling with the benefit implications of the COVID-19 crisis as much as the staffing and quarantining issues.

From my point of view, the federal government did an excellent job providing employers the flexibility they needed regarding retirement benefits in a time of crisis, and employers did a super job of using what worked best in their businesses.

An M&A Q&A with Voya Retirement CEO Charlie Nelson

In a discussion with PLANADVISER, Nelson commented on the recently announced deal that will send 900 retail-focused financial advisers to Cetera, with Voya retaining 600 advisers focused on the workplace.

Charlie Nelson is a retirement plan industry leader who needs little introduction, given his long tenure in high-profile roles at some of the largest retirement plan service providers in the United States. 

Currently, Nelson is the chief executive officer of the retirement plan business at Voya Financial, meaning he is at the helm of a recordkeeper overseeing in excess of $220 billion in client assets. From that vantage point, Nelson can clearly see the rapid pace of evolution in the retirement planning space, which he says is being driven both by shifting customer demands and the ambitious visions of advisers, recordkeepers and asset managers.

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Following the recent announcement that Voya will sell its independent financial planning channel to Cetera, Nelson agreed to talk in detail about the move. He noted that through the transaction, approximately 900 independent financial professionals serving retail customers will become part of Cetera. The Voya Financial Advisors (VFA) legal entity and approximately 600 field- and phone-based financial professionals who support Voya’s retirement business and clients will remain with Voya.

Below are Nelson’s responses to various questions about the deal, as well as the broader industry landscape that has emerged during the coronavirus pandemic.

PLANADVISER: The industry’s consolidation and merger and acquisition (M&A) activity has been an important unfolding story for several years now. How do you view this deal with Cetera in the context of everything that has come before it?

Nelson: The industry has indeed been through a lot of evolution, and I anticipate it’s not over by any stretch of the imagination. There is a lot of further evolution that can and will occur in terms of how we all, as growing businesses, interact with each other and with our clients. So I think we have seen a lot of consolidation and evolution happen at this point, but I would also say there is even more coming in the years ahead.

PA: It’s pretty interesting but also challenging to think about where we could end up in, say, five or 10 years, don’t you think?

Nelson: I agree with that 100%. The COVID-19 experience, for a start, has already changed how we act and interact with one another in this industry and in our economy as a whole. Think about the statistic, which I just read, that 82% of Americans have now had at least one telemedicine experience. We have seen whole new parts of the delivery economy emerge, as well.

I think the COVID situation has shown that we have all grown more comfortable with digital-first experiences. But we’ve also seen reinforced the importance of the workplace and of your employer. The workplace is where the American people look for their health, wealth and financial wellness solutions, and that’s where this announcement with Cetera fits in. Voya is reaffirming that we are an organization that is focused on serving employers and their employees in the workplace—in person, on the phone and through digital pathways.

PA: So we should understand that the 900 advisers going over to Cetera perhaps have had more of an individual and family wealth planning focus? Who is remaining behind, the true retirement plan advisers?

Nelson: Yes, that’s pretty much right, but let me spell a few things out. First of all, let’s look at the independent financial planning channel and the advisers who are going to Cetera. These advisers largely generated their retail books of business from non-workplace interactions. They will continue to do this at Cetera.

On the other hand, our advisers who we are retaining provide health, wealth and financial wellness planning solutions through the workplace. They have not had the same retail focus. As they have in the past, they will continue generating a lot of their leads in the workplace. To be clear, however, this group staying at Voya will continue to offer and support individual- and family-focused solutions, but this will be done through the workplace, rather than at home or in other places.

PA: We know your passion on the coverage issue and getting more Americans to benefit from the retirement planning tools the industry has developed. I’m sure you are excited about taking this direction.

Nelson: Totally. We know that Americans are largely undercovered and have undersaved, and from that perspective, they are underserved from an advisory and guidance perspective. After COVID-19, we need to be able to help individuals now more than ever—to help provide solutions that can protect and develop people’s wealth. We are very focused on being able to guide people through those decisions on where and how they should save and invest, looking across retirement plans, emergency savings and health savings.

We see a different focus emerging among employers and employees, as well. There is a growing desire to be able to see and consider peoples’ household outlook across multiple benefits programs. As a leader in workplace health and wealth plans, our vision is to help Americans make the best decisions for their whole wealth and health picture.

PA: And can you tell us more about what it was like working with Cetera on this? I know you cannot speak for that firm, but it is a big deal to send your partnering advisers over to its platform. What does this decision say to the marketplace?

Nelson: Well, we have a long history with Cetera, and a high degree of respect for the organization and its advisers. A number of the advisers going over there have been some of the leading distributors of Voya’s solutions, across investment management and retirement products. So we have a really good working relationship with them, and our goal together is driving advice and guidance into the marketplace. We expect we will continue to have a great relationship with these folks after they move over later this year.

For both organizations, this deal is a great illustration of how we are advancing key dimensions of our respective strategies. As I said, our strategy is to focus on field- and phone-based advisers serving people in the workplace and at institutions. On its part, Cetera is a leading retail advisory firm that will focus on delivering deeper advice and solutions for its clients as well. It’s very consistent.

PA: So, what comes next, in 2021 and beyond?

Nelson: I would break it down into the near term and the longer term. In the near term, we are coming off of a year for Voya that was incredible across our businesses. Our investment management organization had a very strong year, and our employee benefits organization had a very strong year, even with the headwind of COVID-19.

Our retirement business delivered $67 billion in sales last year, and $26 billion in defined contribution (DC) business net growth. That kind of organic momentum is something in the near term that we will fight to continue. I view our success in this environment as part of the flight to quality. Employers are looking to strong, stable brands that are committed to the financial health and well-being of their people. We see that continuing in the near term and we will leverage those opportunities.

Over the longer term, we plan to advance our technology infrastructure to facilitate our accelerated growth. It will be about leveraging investments in our data, digital and analytics capabilities, and our automation capabilities. It’s all in the spirit of driving improved outcomes and enhanced client solutions for individuals.

The last thing to mention is the prospect of acquisitions. I will tell you that I don’t believe that we need inorganic acquisition activity to meet our growth plans for 2021, but as we navigate the coming years, we will most definitely be looking for opportunities that can help us grow even faster. It’s not a prerequisite that we do this in the near term, but we will absolutely be looking out with this strategic view.

PA: One last question for you. It’s almost hard to believe the resilience and tremendous growth our industry has shown in the face of COVID-19. What does it mean to you to see this unfolding?

Nelson: The COVID-19 pandemic was and continues to be a very challenging time for Americans and for people around the world. We are growing cautiously optimistic about the vaccination program here in the U.S. and globally, and that is allowing people to again look forward. Having said that, as an industry, we need to step back and consolidate what we have accomplished. We need to keep pushing forward the emergency savings discussions and the voluntary benefits discussions.

If you look at the behavior of Americans with access to retirement plans during COVID-19, they largely continued saving during what was an incredibly challenging time, and that shows the strength of the system we have built. On the other hand, far too many people saw their emergency savings depleted and they have truly suffered from financial insecurity. We have to keep these lessons in mind as we move forward into a new normal.
