eVestment Unveils Equities Comparison Tool

An institutional investor equities holdings comparison platform was introduced by eVestment. 

The firm’s eVestment Peer Alpha is an online platform that provides institutional investors and asset managers a tool to compare and analyze their equity holdings against the aggregated holdings of their peers. Peer Alpha covers 33 investment classes among the U.S., Europe, Australia and Far East (EAFE), global and emerging equity markets, providing a view into how institutional investors are allocating capital across equity securities, sectors, industries, countries and geographies. 

The tool provides Web-based Peer Overview reports, showing managers detailed portfolio information, including the 50 most widely held stocks, sector and regional allocations and overweight/underweight positions relative to peers, as well as statistics about which specific stocks are being bought and sold. For a more detailed analysis, the platform offers users a tool to compare specific equity strategies, time intervals, sector allocations and rotation, and regional allocation trends to best understand their allocations against eVestment peer groups.  

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Peer Alpha leverages over 53,000 institutional and hedge fund vehicles.  

“For the first time, investment managers can leverage the industry’s only 100% institutional holdings data to see how their portfolio differs from the average portfolio of their competitors, differentiate their equity strategies and obtain a holistic picture of the constantly changing landscape of institutional equity markets,” said Ben Olmstead, vice president of new product innovation with eVestment.  

More information is at www.evestment.com.
