ETFs See Healthy Asset Gain

Last year was kind to the exchange-traded-funds (ETFs) market, with a whopping 45% jump in assets over the year to $775.8 billion as of December 31, according to the latest data from State Street Global Investors.

A State Street report said December assets were up $36.4 billion, or 4.9% over November. Year over year, the number of ETFs was up by 10%.

The data also showed investors were apparently particularly keen on commodity ETFs (a 105%-asset jump for the year), fixed-income ETFs (up 78% for the year), and international ETFs (also up 78% for the year).  Fixed-income funds crossed the $100 billion mark for the year with a 2.1% December increase and a 78.3% year-over-year hike.

The size and international categories saw the biggest leaps in absolute terms, up $20.8 billion and $5.3 billion, respectively, in December over the previous month. Gains in the size category saw the large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap areas with $16.5 billion, $1.6 billion, and $2.6 billion December increases, respectively.

Among the sector funds, only Energy and Consumer Staples fell in absolute terms. The REIT, Technology, and Utilities sectors were all up over $1 billion in December.

Black Rock, State Street, and Vanguard continue to dominate the ETF market, according to the data. Together, the three account for 84.1% of the U.S.-listed ETF market.

The top three U.S. ETFs in terms of dollar volume traded for the month were the SPDR S&P 500, iShares Russell 2000, and PowerShares QQQ. 

Guardian Kicks off TPA Awards Effort

The Guardian Insurance & Annuity Company, Inc. (GIAC), is initiating an enhanced awards program for third-party administrators (TPAs) whose clients utilize The Guardian Choice and The Guardian Advantage group retirement products.

A news release said the new program features an upgraded annual award as well as a new marketing allowance feature.

According to the announcement, GIAC’s program has no minimum requirements for the number of plans administered or the amount of new plan sales to qualify for the program. The new marketing allowance award starts with the first plan sold with at least $250,000 of takeover assets. The upgraded annual award applies to both start-up and takeover plans when they reach at least $250,000 in assets at the end of their contract year.


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