Equity Funds Inflow Takes a Leap in August

Some equity fund offerings were comparatively hot in August as investors added a net $4.8 billion to US-based stock mutual funds, up from $738 million the month before, according to Investment Company Institute (ICI) data.

Some equity fund offerings were comparatively hot in August as investors added a net $4.8 billion to US-based stock mutual funds, up from $738 million the month before, according to Investment Company Institute (ICI) data.

The ICI data also reflected investors’ continuing warm and fuzzy feelings for stock funds investing in foreign markets. Funds concentrating in foreign stocks had a net inflow of $8.53 billion in August, compared with an inflow of $4.82 billion in July.

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On the other hand, funds investing primarily in domestic stocks had a net outflow of $3.73 billion, smaller than the $4.08 billion outflow in July.

Overall, the nation’s funds tacked on another $206.8 billion in assets in August, a 2.2% hike to $9.584 trillion. ICI said long-term funds – stock, bond, and hybrid – had a net inflow of $11.6 billion during the month, vs. an inflow of $3.85 billion in July (See July Fund Assets Tick Upward ). Hybrid funds alone posted a $202-million August inflow, compared with an outflow of $99 million the month before.

Meanwhile, in the fixed income arena, bond funds had an inflow of $6.67 billion in August, a significant hike from the July inflow of $3.21. Taxable bond offerings reported an inflow of $5.23 billion in August, vs. a $2.87-billion July influx. Municipal bond funds had an inflow of $1.44 billion in August, compared with an inflow of $344 million in July.

In the cash and stable value area, ICI said money market funds had an inflow of $42.7 billion in August, compared with a $25.8-billion July increase.

Funds offered primarily to institutions had an inflow of $35.3 billion during August. Funds offered primarily to individuals had an inflow of $7.41 billion.

The ICI data report is at http://www.ici.org/stats/mf/arctrends/trends_08_06.html

World Equity Markets Turn Positive in September

Developed world equity markets gained 1.12% in September 2006, while emerging markets rose 0.38%, according to Standard & Poor's World by Numbers report.

Developed world equity markets gained 1.12% in September 2006, while emerging markets rose 0.38%, according to Standard & Poor’s World by Numbers report.

Countries turned in a variety of directions for the month. The Philippines posted an 11.14% gain versus a loss of 1.28% for August, while Nigeria fell 7.59% after gaining 23.38% in August. India reported an 8.48% gain for the month, while Mexico posted 4.68%. Russia posted a 6.58% loss.

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For the one-year period, Morocco (up 69.23%), Peru (up 64.86%) and Slovenia (up 63.17%) posted impressive gains. Only two markets, Jordan (-22.74%) and Hungary (-12.61%), were down for the year.

By sector, Energy (-4.46%) and Materials (-1.53%) both lost in September, though both performed slightly better in the US than in world markets. The best performing sectors in September across all boarders were Telecommunications Services (up 4.25%) and Consumer Discretionary (up 3.42%).

By asset type, value stocks again significantly outpaced growth issues, continuing their one-year dominance.

The complete World by Numbers report can be viewed at www.standardandpoors.com.
