DC Specialists Embrace Custom TDFs

The number of DC specialist advisers making customized target-date fund recommendations has increased significantly in just the last year.

Defined contribution (DC) specialist financial advisers managing at least $50 million in DC assets show an increasing inclination towards use of custom target-date funds (TDFs), according to a new analysis published by Cogent Reports.

The analysis shows roughly 15% of advisers in this market segment are recommending some type of customized TDF product for at least some clients. While 38% in this segment still recommend proprietary fund offerings from the plan provider and 46% recommend TDFs provided by external third-party managers, Cogent Reports suggests this is a clear sign of market evolution toward greater use of customization.

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According to Cogent Reports, the growing number of advisers who advocate for using an external manager for target-date funds rather than the proprietary offering from the current plan recordkeeper is “further evidence that incumbent recordkeepers must continue to up their game in this increasingly competitive marketplace.”

At the individual brand level, DC specialists are equally likely to tap American Funds and Vanguard as their target-date fund provider, while American Funds enjoys a stronger advantage across all other DC AUM segments,” the analysis observes. “Emerging DC advisers—financial advisers managing under $10 million in DC assets—also gravitate to Vanguard, Fidelity, T. Rowe and BlackRock when recommending target-date fund providers to clients.”

Looking across all DC advisory market segments, proprietary TDF offerings established by the plan provider are recommended by 48% of advisers, while TDFs offered by an external asset manager are recommended by 42% of advisers. Much of the remainder, or about 8%, commonly recommends customized TDFs.

Important to note, with or without customization, clients’ and advisers’ consideration of target-date fund providers remains largely based on fees and long-term performance. There are also considerations about the peripheral risks of offering a custom fund—as a growing handful of employers/plan sponsors have already been sued over the performance of customized funds.

“Full-service plan providers and DC investment managers must understand the specific nuances by plan adviser producer and channel to retain and win business,” the analysis concludes.

Additional data and analysis is available here

SEC Chair Will Step Down Ahead of Trump Appointments

Mary Jo White, who became the 31st Chair of the SEC in April 2013, will be one of the SEC’s longest serving Chairs.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair Mary Jo White, after nearly four years as the agency’s head, announced that she intends to leave at the end of the Obama Administration.

Chair White, who became the 31st Chair of the SEC in April 2013, will be one of the SEC’s longest serving Chairs.

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In addition to completing the vast majority of the agency’s mandates under the Dodd-Frank Act and all of its mandates under the JOBS Act, Chair White’s leadership has advanced the agency’s mission through other critical rulemakings and built robust and effective frameworks for the SEC’s regulatory regimes going forward.

“My duty has been to ensure that the Commission implemented strong investor and market protections, and to establish an enduring foundation for future progress in the most critical areas—asset management regulation, equity market structure and disclosure effectiveness,” says White. “Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the SEC’s staff, we have accomplished both.”

Under her leadership, the SEC advanced more than 50 significant rulemaking initiatives, including:

  • Fundamental reforms to the money market fund industry;
  • A comprehensive framework for enhancing the effectiveness of corporate disclosure for investors
  • Major enhancements to transparency and risk management for asset-backed securities, which were a significant contributor to the financial crisis;
  • Strong operating standards for the clearing agencies that stand at the center of our financial system; and
  • Extensive reforms to the regulation of credit rating agencies and how they address conflicts of interest that can harm investors.
NEXT: Improved enforcement

To enhance accountability of those who violate the securities laws, White implemented the Commission’s first-ever policy to require admissions of wrongdoing in certain cases where heightened accountability and acceptance of responsibility is appropriate. Thus far, the Commission has required admissions from more than 70 defendants, including 44 entities and 29 individuals.

Under White’s leadership, the Commission made significant enhancements to its examination program, including increasing staff by about 20% by hiring new examiners where funding permitted and redeploying staff from other program areas to heighten focus on the fast-growing investment management industry. The exam program also increased its use of advanced quantitative techniques to enable examiners to detect misconduct by more quickly analyzing large amounts of data. The Commission also enhanced technology in its examination program through the National Exam Analytics Tool (NEAT), which enables examiners to analyze large volumes of trading data much more efficiently.

White serves as a member of the Financial Stability Oversight Council and on several other domestic and international organizations, including the International Organization of Securities Commissions, the Financial Stability Board, the International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation Monitoring Board, the Financial and Banking Information Infrastructure Committee, and the Federal Housing Finance Oversight Board.

White says, “It has been and will always be critical for this agency and the public that the SEC remain truly independent. That independence is crucial to our ability to protect investors, safeguard our markets and facilitate the capital formation that fosters innovation and the growth that is essential to our national economy.”



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