Curian Capital Introduces Custom Wealth Platform
Curian Capital, LLC, announced the launch of the Curian Custom Wealth Platform, a unified managed household (UMH) solution offering investors an aggregated view of their Curian holdings.
Using the new platform, advisers can integrate a household’s existing Custom Style Portfolios with new investment proposals to generate a Custom Wealth Plan that outlines the risk tolerance and asset allocation for multiple investment goals, according to Curian, a registered investment adviser that provides fee-based managed accounts to financial professionals.
In conjunction with the Custom Wealth Platform launch, Curian also expanded its menu of investment options to include a new Cash Management Program, available for clients with $250,000 or more invested with Curian. The program includes check-writing features and an FDIC-insured Money Market Deposit Account that insures up to $2.5 million in client deposits, the firm said.
Using the Custom Wealth Plan, investors first consider the various goals associated with each portion of their assets, such as saving for college or a home project, Curian explained. Then they work with their advisers to create a custom plan with separate goal-specific portfolios, each with its own risk tolerance and asset allocation.
The tool helps reinforce the planning process, the firm said. “Most clients have multiple investment goals with varying time horizons. However, the standard approach to investing has typically been to put all of the household’s assets into one portfolio and assign a single risk tolerance and asset allocation,” said Chris Rosato, senior vice president of strategic development for Curian Capital. “Curian’s Custom Wealth Platform takes a broader approach by allowing clients to invest according to the specific goal … The result is a purpose-based wealth plan that helps clients become comfortable with an overall strategy.”
Curian said the tool allows advisers to generate one portfolio review report that shows investment holdings, activity, and individual performance for all of a client’s Curian accounts.
For more information, RIAs, broker/dealers, and financial institutions can visit or contact the Curian Sales Desk at 877.847.4192.
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