Creating a Safe Harbor for Rollovers

Want to see industry insiders instantly divide? Ask if a retirement plan adviser can assist participants in rolling assets out of the plan and into an IRA.

Despite specific guidance from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) in December, it is not clear that the regulator has a firm understanding of the retirement plan industry. (See “FINRA to Examine IRA Rollovers.”) According to a section on conflicts of interest, FINRA said, “An investment adviser who recommends an investor rollover plan assets into an individual retirement account (IRA) may earn an asset-based fee as a result, but no compensation if assets are retained in the plan.”

The statement is obviously incorrect in cases where an adviser’s fee is based upon a percentage of plan assets. Instead, the compensation the adviser receives from the plan will necessarily be reduced as assets are rolled out of it. Furthermore, if the adviser charges the participant the same fee to manage the funds in an IRA as it does to manage the assets within the plan, the rollover would not result in any difference in the compensation received by the adviser.

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In a previous article (Fiduciary Status Could Be Big Rollover Plus), I noted the current policies of the Department of Labor (DOL) may be at least partially responsible for the very practice that caused Phyllis Borzi, assistant secretary employee benefits, to complain about brokers who “sell products that financially benefit themselves without considering whether those investments are really in their clients’ best interests.”

The very act of discouraging financial advisers—who are already required under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) to act in the participant’s best interests—from assisting participants with their rollover options, leaves the field wide open for non-fiduciaries who merely want to sell products, such as annuities, or IRAs loaded with the broker’s proprietary offerings and qualified private placements, such as real estate investment trusts (REITs).

Rollover Safe Harbor

But what if a required extra step in the process made it more difficult to roll over assets into an annuity? What if the DOL offered a safe harbor to plans that automatically rolled participant accounts into an IRA rather than distributing lump sums to the participants?

The concept has a precedent. In 2001, Congress amended ERISA section 401(a)(31) to require plan administrators to transfer certain plan distributions into an IRA, rather than in a lump sum payment, if the participant failed to make a contrary election. In 2004, the DOL implemented rules to provide safe harbor protection for such rollovers.

There was a catch, though. The safe harbor applies only to distributions of less than $5,000. If the account value is $5,000 or more, ERISA section 411(a)(11)(a) prohibits a mandatory distribution without participant consent.

However, the consent requirement ends once the participant reaches mandatory retirement age. As a result, the DOL could provide safe harbor relief for plans that require a distribution into an IRA once a terminated participant reaches mandatory retirement age (typically 62) even if the value of the account exceeds $5,000.

So why would the DOL want to encourage this type of automatic rollover? Because without it, a plan has onlyl two options: keep the assets in the plan and continue to track a departed participant’s whereabouts so it can begin making the required minimum distributions when the participant turns 70½. The alternative is to distribute the funds to the participant in a lump sum payment.

While the latter option provides more protection to the plan, it is the equivalent of throwing the participant into shark-infested waters. With limited time to find an alternate investment option to avoid early distribution penalties, the participant is a prime target for those seeking to sell an investment product to generate a commission.

Size Plays a Part

Granted, the DOL would have to be more creative in drafting safe harbor for such accounts. Under the 2004 rule, the rollover funds must be invested in products designed to minimize risk and preserve capital, such as money market or stable value funds, CDs or savings accounts. Such a strategy might not create much risk for accounts containing less than $5,000, but it’s doubtful a 62-year-old with a $500,000 retirement account would choose to invest the entire amount in a money market fund generating less than a 1% annual return.

For larger accounts, the DOL could require the funds to be rolled into a qualified default investment alternative (QDIA). Alternatively, an investment adviser (or other adviser) could be permitted to manage the IRA until the client makes other arrangements. In order to ensure the participant does not incur a significant increase in cost, the safe harbor could require the investment adviser, for the 12 months following the rollover, to use the same advisory fee being charged to the plan. At the first anniversary, the adviser could mandate a higher fee to continue providing the advice. However, by that time, the participant would have had an entire year to cash out the IRA, use the funds to purchase a different investment product, or replace the adviser as opposed to receiving a lump sum distribution with only 60 days to take action in order to avoid a penalty.

If the DOL is serious about ensuring participants obtain unbiased advice during a distribution event, it can begin by encouraging retirement plan advisers, who already have a fiduciary duty to the participants, to be involved in the process.

Phil Troyer is an attorney and vice president of compliance at Bukaty Companies Financial Services (, which has locations in Kansas City, Denver and Spokane. The firm is managed by Vince Morris, who was included in PLANSPONSOR magazine’s list of Top 100 Plan Advisers and twice nominated for Adviser of the Year. Phil can be reached at

This article is not intended to provide legal advice and should not be relied upon as such.

Association Encourages Use of In-Plan Annuities

The Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association (DCIIA) encourages plan sponsors and advisers to take steps to provide lifetime income solutions to their retirement plan participants based on new regulatory guidance.

Earlier this month Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued final rules to make longevity annuities more accessible to the defined contribution (DC) and individual retirement account (IRA) markets (see “Final Rules Seek to Expand In-Plan Longevity Annuity Access”). In short, the final rules ease certain minimum distribution requirements that have made it difficult for retirees to purchase and hold longevity annuity products without potentially jeopardizing the qualified status of their accounts.

Ken Nuss, founder of AnnuityAdvantage, sees this as an opportunity for near-retirees to hedge against the distinct possibility of outliving their retirement savings. “Deferred income annuities function much like an individual pension plan, creating a lifelong and predictable income stream. For those concerned with beneficiaries, the final rules allow for a return of premium option should the purchasing retiree die before (or after) the age when the annuity payments begin. Utilizing this option, the premiums they paid, but have not yet received as annuity payments, would be returned to their account upon death,” Nuss says.

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According to AnnuityAdvantage, by codifying longevity annuity contracts in the federal tax regulations, the Treasury Department is signaling that retirement income security is a national priority. According to the rules, investors can divert up to 25% or $125,000—whichever is less—of their retirement account balances into these vehicles, referred to as qualified longevity annuity contracts (QLAC).

The annuity provider explains that the mathematics of deferred income annuities work out such that the earlier one makes an initial investment, the larger the payout in the future, because the insurance company has more time to grow the lump sum. Currently, a man could deposit $20,000 to $25,000, depending on refund options selected, at age 65 and begin receiving $1,000 a month at age 85; a woman would need to deposit slightly more given her longer life expectancy.

Because the Treasury Department's rules are designed to maximize retirement income security, only fixed annuities are approved as QLACs; variable and indexed annuities will continue to be subject to the same minimum withdrawal requirements as typical investment vehicles.

While DCIIA supports regulators’ efforts to encourage more robust and broad-based adoption of lifetime income solutions in U.S. retirement plans, it says there is still more work to do. “There is a real need for innovation in the development of new products and solutions to manage longevity risk,” the association said in a statement.

“Additional regulatory guidance in this arena makes it both easier and simpler to implement these solutions in qualified plans. Such guidance can take many different forms, such as through interpretive guidance or information letters supporting different approaches or examples without necessarily needing to rely on simplistic safe harbors that can have the unintended consequences of inhibiting innovation by creating fear that other potentially better approaches may be inherently ‘un-safe’ from a fiduciary perspective. A regulatory approach that includes a combination of thoughtful safe harbors and flexible examples can go a long way in driving home continued regulatory support for plan sponsor innovation,” DCIIA said.

The association calls on the defined contribution community—sponsors, consultants, Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) counsel, recordkeepers, investment managers, providers and insurance companies—to embrace the message behind these new regulations and to move toward more widespread adoption of additional tools for participants to use in managing the spending and distribution phase of their retirement.
