Company Stock Continues to Present Client Challenges

Retaining the stock may be best despite litigation risk—and advisers can show the plan sponsor how to do company stock in DC plans the right way.

Why, plan sponsors wonder, should they continue to offer company stock as a defined contribution plan investment option when the result could be a “stock drop” lawsuit?

If a company was already considering cutting its own stock from the retirement plan investment menu before the conclusion of Fifth Third Bancorp v. Dudenhoeffer, last year’s Supreme Court decision has probably given it an extra push. The high court’s decision effectively stated fiduciaries of employee stock ownership plans are not entitled to any special presumption of prudence under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), potentially opening the door to expanded litigation.

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“I said this before the Supreme Court decision in Dudenhoeffer, and it remains true, even more so. The only [completely sure] way not to get sued is to not have the investment option available to employees at all,” says Jeremy Blumenfeld, an attorney with Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP.

Still, Blumenfeld, who specializes in ERISA issues, does not advocate liquidating company stock willy-nilly. The company and its fiduciaries should keep the risk in mind but also evaluate the individual circumstances and decide what makes the most sense for the plan and participants, he says. Often company stock will make sense, despite the risks.

“We think a lot of plans have questions about company stock,” concurs Mark Teborek, senior consulting analyst with Russell Investments and author of white paper, Revisiting Company Stock in Defined Contribution Plans. “That’s nothing new, but with the aftermath of the Fifth Third case, there was renewed interest in what to do next.”

The adviser can answer many of these questions and, as with all financial decisionmaking for the plan, guide the sponsor through the process and help it determine the steps that best achieve its goals.

NEXT: Consider limiting employer stock allocations

When advising a client, first clarifying why a plan might be sued over company stock may help.

Plan sponsors may be surprised to learn that malfeasance need not be involved, Blumenfeld says. A company may be “doing well fundamentally and growing and … the fiduciaries doing everything they’re supposed to be doing. But you have one bad quarter, or the company loses a big contract, or there’s some underperformance relative to expectations—that company’s stock price could go down significantly,” he says.

The tipping point in litigation risk is “the aggregate percentage of the plan monies that are invested in employer stock,” Blumenfeld says. That number can range from under 10% to over 50% when looking at examples of actual plans that still offer employer stock. “The higher the concentration, the bigger the dollars invested in employer stock investments, the more likely a target a particular plan sponsor might be for litigation,” he says. Say, if $100 million is invested in company stock and the value falls 10%, that’s $10 million the plan has lost, he says. He has seen plans sued in as little as a month after a drop like this.

“The legal issues are often the same, whether the dollar amount invested for a plan is $1,000 or $100 million,” he says. “But … you’re not likely to see litigation with very small allocations to employer stock investments.”

Therefore, keeping plan participants’ allocations reasonable and appropriate is one key to avoiding company stock-related litigation. According to Lew Minsky, executive director with the Defined Contribution Investment Institute Association (DCIIA), participants are typically unschooled in how to diversify; as a result, they tend to over-allocate in any single security, especially company stock that is easily recognizable.

Experts recommend educating participants about the value of diversifying—a process that’s become easier and cheaper thanks to current technology—and greater use of automatic asset-allocation solutions. To overcome participant inertia, though, more proactive steps may be needed.

NEXT: Hard employer stock caps

Historically, a common approach has been to cap the percentage of assets participants may hold in company stock. Here, as with other important financial decisions, the adviser should guide the plan sponsor, taking into account variables such as the type, size and stability of the company, including any anticipated corporate changes over the next several years. Demographics of the work force are also important.  

One challenge the adviser commonly faces in evaluating company stock performance comes from the fact that it will likely not have a clear benchmark against which performance can be compared, in the way of a mutual fund. “What do you evaluate that performance against?” Minksy asks. “As an outsider adviser who doesn’t know the company as well as the insider fiduciaries, you can look at the investments, but does it make sense to benchmark them against the S&P 500? Against an industry-specific index, perhaps? And over what time period should one look at the company stock?”

Advisers also should have an appreciation for the fact the fiduciaries really do rely on their advice regarding these issues and that that advice can play a role in litigation. While there is no one right or wrong answer in these discussions, the advisers should use sound judgment and be able to explain the reasons for their decisions, Blumenfeld says.

Whatever the percentage arrived at for capping company stock, some plan sponsors might fear it could look like asset allocation advice. Blumenfeld sees no cause for concern here, though. “Fiduciaries are not suggesting that, by placing a limit of 25%, everybody should hold 25%.”

Where a cap can get complicated is when the stock value grows and other investments see losses, leaving participants with holdings that now exceed the maximum. Plan sponsors typically address this by prohibiting new investment in the stocks or limiting the percentage, while letting the participants keep what they have, he says.

Potentially another complication, says Teborek, is that a cap “may send a mixed message to participants about whether the company believes company stock is a suitable investment.” 

NEXT: A highly effective tool 

Automatic features, such as enrollment and re-enrollment into target-date funds or managed accounts, can be highly effective for reducing employer stock overload in the plan, experts say. Other plan design elements can be brought to bear as well. For example, much of the employer stock currently in retirement plans has arrived there through company match contributions. 

Employers that want to continue this practice and reduce allocations might consider shortening the vesting period for company stock, says Holly Verdeyen, director, defined contribution investments at Russell. This way, “participants have more opportunity, sooner, to be able to diversify their portfolios.” As three years is the maximum vesting period for company stock, she recommends reducing it to as little as one, so people can act before they forget the investment, exchanging it, say, for a diversified fund.

Minsky sees use of these tools as aiding the adviser along with his clients. “Being on the leading edge of this and helping clients understand ways to improve participants’ outcomes through plan design, advisers have a real opportunity to set themselves apart and differentiate on something other than a race to the bottom on cost,” he says.

For plan sponsors that decide to eliminate the plan’s holdings entirely, it should be planned out carefully. Even plan sponsors not deciding to liquidate might prepare for the possible need to do so down the road, Teborek says. He recommends discussing with the investment committee possible scenarios under which the plan would need to take action, then putting a strategy on paper.

Blumenfeld, on the other hand, advises making any such decisions at the time, based on the circumstances then. Even if a plan is sued, he says, liquidation may be unwarranted. “The fact that somebody files a lawsuit against the plan fiduciaries is not a reason for them to change their behavior or change the investment options in a plan. If they continue to believe those are good investment options they should continue to offer them,” he says. “If they don’t, an investment shouldn’t be an option—even if there’s no litigation.” 

Adding Mobile Apps to Your Practice

More plan sponsors are looking to expand their plan’s mobile capabilities. We ask what retirement plan advisers need to know about leveraging mobile tech.

“We’re seeing a shift in the usage of mobile apps, it’s increasing across all demographics,” says Dave Gray, vice president of client experience at Charles Schwab. “We are seeing that younger folks, under age 35, and those with smaller account balances are engaging more with the mobile apps than with the website.”

Like other experts, Gray says mobile technology presents a new and compelling way to get people engaged early and often with the retirement planning effort. He says mobile helps not just with education content and communication but by providing powerful tools and transactional capabilities that can streamline the way people interact with retirement plans.

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“Many providers are in catch-up mode,” says Scott Parker, a principal at Deloitte Consulting, “but they differ in the investments that they are making. Some are planning to innovate in this area, while others are making much more modest investments to simply ‘check the box’ on mobile. Additionally, advisers should be expecting mobile capabilities from providers that help the adviser sell and service plans and participants.”

Drew Way, a senior analyst in Corporate Insight’s Retirement Group, helps tracks 19 defined contribution (DC) providers day to day. He notes 12 of the firms in that group offer a dedicated mobile site, while 10 offer a phone app and six feature tablet-specific apps.

“All have your typical data points—plan name, total balance, holding details, some show rate of return,” Way says. “The better thing we’re seeing is the addition of transactions. Today eight of the 12 mobile sites have at least one transaction,” perhaps single-click enrollment or contribution changes. Others allow auto-feature sign up via mobile, while others bring investment selection and even complete account rebalances to the mobile table.

Another interesting statistic Schwab has found, Gray reports, is that mobile users 55 and older are looking at their account balance twice as often via the app as on the website. “For older participants, generally speaking, usage is focused on getting access to information,” he says. “The key is that, overall, having the app means they make more frequent inquiries into the retirement plan.”

“Advisers should ask about a provider’s mobile/digital roadmap,” Parker says. “Do they have one? What have they released recently? What is planned for next year?”

NEXT: Where to reach participants

Plan sponsors need to make a decision, says George Walper Jr., president of Spectrem Group. Do they want to develop an application (app) for smartphones and/or tablets, a mobile-optimized website, or both? “A number of people like to use apps, some people like to just look at a website,” he says. Plan advisers can help their sponsor clients to understand which method would most suit the plan’s participant demographics.

“We generally find that the use of mobile technology in retirement [planning] has more to do with whether the [individual] user has adopted mobile technology as opposed to an age or generation,” Walper says. We used to think as an industry that mobile was more for Millennials and Gen Y, but have since learned that all age groups are adopting mobile or tablet technology. While the usage may be higher for the younger generation, mobile technology is growing key to reaching all ages of retirement plan participants.”

“Most mobile apps on the market today have been designed for a phone-based device,” Gray continues, but “people behave differently with tablets than with phones.” A tablet-specific program should support the unique user experience, maximizing that device’s expanded capabilities and larger screen. “With phones, there is less rich media content; people expect more interaction via tablet usage,” he says.

To connect with participants, Walper recommends posting videos, which can be added to applications as well as the retirement plan’s website and social media accounts as part of an integrated participant outreach campaign. “Videos should be two to three minutes in length,” he says. They should not be about products and services, but address the concerns participants worry about in their everyday lives, from paying down debt to saving for a home or their children’s education.

Way encourages advisers to “work with providers who have a mobile presence, especially as more and more people are moving away from having a desktop [computer].”

“Education and communication are always important,” he adds, “but it becomes about communicating with investors based on when and how they want to receive it.”

NEXT: Expanding education

“A lot of times you can download a phone app to your tablet,” Way says. “At a couple of firms, it’s pretty much the same thing—participants have a similar experience across both. Others take advantage of the larger screen and offer a lot more education” in the tablet-specific app.

The key, Walper says, is to “make sure you have the same information available on both,” adding:  “To me, there’s nothing more frustrating than a website telling you to download the app for more information, or an app directing you to the website.” Plan sponsors considering a mobile app for their plan participants should ensure that the offering includes at least the basic account data, but participants will appreciate—and likely expect—additional information about the program and for pre-retirees.

First and foremost, retirement plan mobile apps have to provide participant account information, which most already do, to an extent. “Some stand out for having pretty much any piece of data you could want about the account,” Way says, such as rate of return over time or an individual’s holding details. Next, transactions are growing in importance. Notably, a few plan sponsors at this summer’s PLANSPONSOR National Conference (PSNC) reported having a sizable percentage of employees who do not have access to a desktop computer at work, meaning their most convenient—perhaps only—point of account access is via mobile apps.

Plan sponsors promoting the use mobile devices as a way for participants to view their accounts will benefit both groups, Gray says. “As we continue to evolve and embrace more and more technology over the next few years, this promotion encourages engagement.” He believes the “next frontier” of mobile technology will be the creation of personalized, smart communications with participants. “If you think about how people use devices today—to get information, do something while in the app—[participants] expect the app to proactively communicate to them the things they need to know.”

Next: Functional features

“When we look at mobile apps, we think of it within three core experiences that want to be delivered,” Gray says. “First is creating ease of access for participants; second, give participants tools and information to help them make good decisions; and third, give participants the ability to take action in the moment—meaning the transaction capabilities that we have added to our mobile apps.”

“Retirement plan participants are using mobile technology primarily to check their account balances and investment performance,” says Parker. “Mobile use is relatively immature in retirement,” he adds, but that is not due to a lack of participant interest but a lack of available technology. “Many retirement providers have either not enabled mobile transactions or don’t have a participant website that renders well on a mobile device. That said, capabilities are quickly growing as the majority of retirement providers are actively working on improving the digital customer experience, which includes a fully transactional, engaging mobile experience for retirement.”

Way anticipates another trend in mobile usage: “We’re starting to see retirement planning tools,” he says, particularly calculators and other features participants can interact with. “They’re not prevalent yet, but they’re coming,” and currently the most common such features provide retirement income projections.

Parker lists several key features sponsors should look for in their mobile applications: “balances, contribution and investment changes, distribution requests, [a] message center, basic retirement readiness tools and text message updates on the member requests—such as the status of a loan or retirement distribution request.”

Some firms have more unique features, Way adds, such as peer comparison tools that show participants how their savings stack up against others in their age group or location. “That gives a different perspective,” he says. “Projections and gap analyses are nice, to see how you fall against your stated goal, but that can fall on deaf ears. A comparison perspective can be motivating, hearing: ‘You’re really lagging behind your age group.’”
