CFA Institute Renames Certificate in ESG Investing

According to the CFA Institute, the curriculum underpinning the certificate will continue to cover ‘the wide variety of factors within each of the environmental, social, and governance areas of ESG investing.’

Beginning April 8, the CFA Institute’s certificate in ESG Investing will be renamed the Sustainable Investing Certificate.

According to the CFA Institute, “Since the certificate first launched, the concept of ESG investing has evolved and has, at times, had varied meanings in different markets. The term ‘sustainable investing’ now more accurately captures the broader, long-term impact and investing goals that the certificate aims to support.”

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The name change comes four years after the certificate was launched. While the name has changed, the actual curriculum that underpins the certificate will continue to cover “the wide variety of factors within each of the environmental, social, and governance areas of ESG investing.”

According to the CFA Institute, it will “update the name on the digital certificate and badge earned when anyone passed the Certificate in ESG Investing exam. Starting on 8 April 2025, the badge and certificate will use the new ‘Sustainable Investing Certificate’ name.”
