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“Can you reset the Internet for me?″
- “Why isn’t my wireless mouse connected to the computer?”
- “My laptop was run over by a truck. What should I do?’
- “Can you rearrange the keyboard alphabetically?’
- “How do I read my e-mail?’
- “My computer is telling me to press any key to continue. Where is the “any’ key?’
- “Can you reset the Internet for me?’
- “There are animal crackers in my CD-ROM drive.’
- “Can you build me a robot?’
- “How can I block e-mail from my manager?’
- “Can I open the bank safe using my computer?’ (hoping this one is from a bank employee)
- “Can you install cable TV on my PC?’
- “Can you order joysticks so that we can play video games?’
- “I’d like to stop receiving e-mail on Fridays.’
- “Can you come and install my car stereo?”
- “Where can I locate dry ice?’
- “I’d like wireless computer access in my motor home.’
- “Can you fix my typewriter?’
- “How long does it take to bake a potato in a microwave?’
- “My daughter is locked in the bathroom, can you pick the lock?’
- “Can you tell me the weather forecast for next year?’
- “The elevator is broken.’
- “How do I wire a robotic turkey?’
- “Where can I get software to track UFOs?’
- “Can you repair my motorbike?’