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Benefit Plan Solutions Offers Problem Solving and Plan Design Services
DC Solutions is available on either an ad hoc basis or by subscription. Clients can submit issues or problems, ranging from plan or Employee Retirement Income Security Act interpretation to plan design and correction of plan administration issues. In response BPS will provide analysis of the technical issues involved and alternative courses of action taking into account the client’s role and situation.
All subscribers will receive sanitized versions of all submissions and the responses and all comments from any client will be fully shared.
Pricing for the service, on a subscription basis, is $500 per year or $49 per month. This price allows subscribers full access to all resources and products of BPS, including a blog, a newsletter, and a manual on Section 457 plans. Non-subscription services are available for individually quoted prices.
BPS said an additional manual on Section 403(b) plans is scheduled for completion in May.
More information is available by contacting or 888.315.6720.
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