Arnerich Massena Offers Best Practices for Plan Monitoring

The latest in a series of white papers discusses monitoring investment menu managers, plan providers and plan fees.

The fourth in a five-part series, investment firm Arnerich Massena has published its white paper, “Retirement Plan Best Practices: Plan Monitoring.”

Previous papers in the series discussed plan governance, plan design, and investment menu construction. The series will close with a paper about covering participant education.

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The plan monitoring report offers best practices for:

  • Reviewing performance and other data of investment menu managers;
  • Managing plan providers and best practices for conducting a request for proposals (RFP) and negotiation process;
  • Benchmarking plan providers; and
  • Assessing, monitoring, and benchmarking plan fees.

The paper includes checklists throughout.

“Maintaining an employer-sponsored retirement plan is an ongoing process, requiring dedicated attention and oversight,” the paper states. “Monitoring your investment menu managers, your plan providers, and plan fees is an important part of your overall fiduciary responsibility.” The paper guides plan sponsors in developing monitoring processes based on best practices that will help them fulfill their fiduciary duty while best serving their plan participants.

“Fiduciary liability often comes down to process more than outcome,” notes Terri Schwartz, managing director of institutional services and business development. “Having a thoughtful process in place, then following and documenting the process is the best way plan sponsors can demonstrate prudence.”

Two Thirds of Millennials Have No Retirement Savings

Only one-third are participating in their retirement plan

The retirement outlook for many Millennials is dismal, according to a new report from the National Institute on Retirement Security, Millennials and Retirement: Already Falling Short.

The report finds that 66.2% of working Millennials have nothing saved for retirement. While 66% of Millennials work for an employer that offers a retirement plan, only 34.3% are participating in the plan.

The Institute also found that only 5% of Millennials are saving adequately for retirement, which it recommends to be between 15% and 22% of salary.

There is a significant gap between Millennial Latinos and other racial and ethnic groups in terms of participation in retirement plans. Only 19.1% of Millennial Latinos and 22.% of Latinas participate in a retirement plan. By comparison, 41.4% of Asian men and 40.3% of Millennial white women participate in a plan.

Just over four in 10, 40.2%, of Millennials said employers’ eligibility requirements, such as having a minimum tenure on the job or working a minimum number of hours, have kept them from participating in the plan. However, when they are eligible to participate, 90% of Millennials enroll in the retirement plan.

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Twenty-one percent of Millennials are worried about their retirement security. Nearly half, 47%, are worried they will not be able to retire when they would like to, and 67% are concerned they will outlive their savings. More than nine in 10, 92%, say the nation’s retirement system is under stress and needs reform.

The Institute says that Millennials face more challenges than older generations, specifically higher life expectancy, lower income replacement from Social Security and less likelihood that they have a pension. They also have faced depressed wages, high unemployment and structural changes to the U.S. economy, most notably the Great Recession. Thus, the Institute says, they will need to save more than older generations.

The National Institute recommends seven steps to help improve the retirement outlook for Millennials:
  • Expand defined contribution plan eligibility for part-time workers
  • Reduce waiting periods for workers to become eligible to participate in a retirement plan
  • Increase auto enrollment
  • Increase employer matches and default contribution rates
  • Provide education to increase awareness of the benefits of employer matches
  • Promote and educate Millennials about the Savers’ Credit
  • Protect and strengthen Social Security
The National Institute on Retirement Security’s full report can be downloaded here.
