A New Way to Benchmark Retirement Plan Fees

A new company is providing a new way to benchmark fees paid by retirement plans.

Most retirement plan sponsors are probably benchmarking plan fees to averages paid by similar plans in the industry.

However, some advisers and vendors put in more time than others when providing services to plans, but if they charge more compared to an average, their fees seem high. On the other hand, some advisers and vendors may do hardly anything, so if they charge the average, their fees are not reasonable.

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Jonathan E. Baltes, chief executive officer of QPSteno in Fort Wayne, Indiana, uses this illustration: “If I told you the average price of a car in the U.S. is $30,000, and I’m going to sell you one for $20,000, is that a reasonable fee or a good deal? Some would say ‘yes’ because it’s below average. But, what if the car I’m selling you is a 30-year-old Yugo with 300,000 miles on it. Are you still excited about the deal? No, you would be excited if it were a new S-class Mercedes.”

Baltes tells PLANADVISER, the fee a retirement plan trustee will pay a covered service provider (CSP) is simply a number absent some sort of internal framework or reference point. The industry use of averages is a well-intentioned practice, but it depends on clients being average, he says. But, clients have different needs and many need more than average service.

QPSteno aggregates the activities of any CSP to a qualified retirement plan—advisers, broker/dealers, recordkeepers, mutual fund companies, third-party administrators (TPAs). Control is in the hands of the plan trustee, but service provider input is essential. It is similar to a time sheet tracking of time spent on certain activities.

Baltes says his firm has seen some pushback from providers that say it seems childish to keep track of their time, but trustees can input the information CSPs furnish into the system and come up with an hourly rate—something they are familiar with from other personal or business service invoices, he notes.

“Most trustees see a service provider’s work in quarterly meetings or annual plan reviews, but they don’t see phone calls, emails, report preparations, fund due diligence, or reviews for replacement funds. We provide that insight to trustees,” Baltes adds.

Baltes says QPSteno’s long-term goal is to provide benchmarking by activity or time taken on activities. For example, if census data collection on average takes two hours, and a TPA can do it in one hour, that’s a selling point for the TPA. If it takes the TPA three hours, a trustee can determine if it’s a problem with the plan sponsor’s data or processes or with the TPA's processes.

Another thing the system benchmarks is participant behavior. Baltes says when he was an adviser, one participant would come into his office every quarter with a handful of statements and would want an explanation of changes to his accounts. A conversation with another plan service provider revealed the participant was doing the same thing with him. By aggregating information about service provider activities, plan sponsors can address issues with participants—what are they asking for, and what education do they need?

There is a dashboard when trustees log into the system that shows time spent on which activities, and trustees may view that data for prior months and years to track trends. QPSteno can also offer trustees additional reports upon request.

While QPSteno’s corporate office is in Fort Wayne, Baltes has a partner running an office out of Columbus, Ohio. Plan trustees can subscribe to the service, but the firm is working with providers so they can offer the service to their clients. There is a flat charge for the service, but based on QPSteno’s relationship of CSPs, they may be able to reduce the fee in some cases. For example, if a broker/dealer has engaged the company to provide reports about its services and fees and a plan sponsor uses that broker/dealer, since QPSteno is already collecting that data, the trustee will not be charged as much for the service.

More information about QPSteno is at www.qpsteno.com.

What to Look for in a Rollover Provider

Ongoing fiduciary responsibility and spending money on former employees are two reasons to consider amending a plan to include automated rollovers, Millennium Trust says.

Retirement plan sponsors should consider several factors when deciding to include a provision for rollovers, says Terry Dunne, senior vice president and managing director of the rollover solutions group at Millennium Trust.

One feature of using an automated rollover process benefits the separating participants, Dunne says. He points out that the income tax consequence to the participant is identical when moving plan assets into an individual retirement account (IRA). “It’s a pretax situation, and it’s not taxed until it comes out of either plan,” he tells PLANADVISER. “So the individual has a choice as to how and when they want to pay income tax.”

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The plan sponsor can gain several advantages from the arrangement, Dunne says. First, the most obvious is the basic question of why the Department of Labor (DOL) established auto-rollover about 10 years ago. “Retirement plans today are not created for the benefit of a former employee,” he points out. “They’re really designed for the benefit of a current employee, so they have the right incentives to join a company and stay.”

However, when employees leave a firm but stay in the plan, they continue to cost the company some administrative fees. They also remain a fiduciary concern for the plan sponsor.

“If you have 100 participants, and 20% to 25% of your employees are leaving in a given year, within four or five years, you’ve turned over the whole population and might well end up with more and more participants that are incurring costs,” Dunne says.

Some participants, notably younger people and renters, move around frequently. Realistically speaking, Dunne notes, they do not always give notice to their former employers, and they wind up as lost to the plan.

The plan sponsor, who has an ongoing fiduciary responsibility to communicate with all participants, whether employees or former employees, with big balances or small, must find a way to keep in contact.

This seems to touch plans of all sizes, though Dunne says it might be less important for very small plans, such as doctors’ offices, that seem to know where people go and may be missing only two or three participants. 

People can do their own searches, he says, to find former employees. “Midsize and definitely large plans are affected,” he says. “The more people that go missing, the bigger the burden on the administrator, and the bigger the cost.

According to Dunne, participants with small balances cost a plan sponsor more. “It makes sense not to keep those small-balance participants in the plan,” he says, because plan sponsors want to manage the plan efficiently and spend the money on current—not former—employees.

Plan sponsors that are looking at different providers for rollovers should weigh the services each offers, and determine how best to serve the needs of the plan participants. For example, is the workforce bilingual? How are calls from participants answered?

Dunne says that Millennium provides bilingual, direct phone support. Most of their staffers speak Spanish and English, but some can speak other languages. The phone support is critical, he feels, since most people do not like automated phone menus. “You want to make sure the individual is treated well, and that the provider is responsive,” he says.

Does the provider have relationship managers to work with the plan sponsor? Dunne explains that some companies will assist with uploading participant data. “There should be a lot of back and forth to make sure it’s easy for the plan sponsor,” he says.

Automated rollovers are surprisingly easy to implement, Dunne says, and a very efficient way to move separating plan participants into an IRA.

On the other side of the equation, Dunne says, the participant also benefits from an automated rollover. In a number of cases former employees have lost touch with money they no longer remember they had. Providers can reunite them with their money, he says, and some providers can assist with the search process. “We’re able to find almost everybody,” he says. 
